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[英]Deleting a file from Git repo

Lets say I had the following files on my local machine's repo: 可以说我在本地计算机的存储库中有以下文件:


I committed the all changes and the Github repo ( origin ) was an exact replica of my this local machine's repo. 我提交了所有更改,Github存储库( origin )是我本机机器存储库的精确副本。

Next, I renamed text.php to unit_test.php . 接下来,我将text.phptext.phpunit_test.php I committed it. 我承诺了 So, now my Github repo has 4 files: index.php , home.php test.php & unit_test.php . 所以,现在我的Github存储库有4个文件: index.phphome.php test.phpunit_test.php Whereas, current;y, the local machine repo doesn't have any test.php file. 而当前; y,本地计算机存储库中没有任何test.php文件。 So, how do I remove this file from Github repo as doing git rm test.php gives No such file or directory error. 因此,我如何从Github存储库中删除此文件,因为执行git rm test.php No such file or directory错误。

Assuming you haven't made any further commits locally yet, I would back up and try again: 假设您尚未在本地进行任何进一步的提交,我将备份并重试:

git reset --hard HEAD^         # revert index and tree one commit - to before the rename
git mv text.php unit_test.php  # rename file in a manner git can track
git commit                     # The rename should staged automatically
git push

git rm tells git to not push a certain file from your computer to the repo, which you don't have on your computer anymore, so it gives you an error. git rm告诉git不要将计算机上的某个文件推送到存储库中,而您不再需要该文件,因此会出现错误。

What you need to do is pull the repository first then git rm test.php and commit and push. 您需要做的是先拉存储库,然后git rm test.php并提交并推送。

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