[英]undefined method for nil:NilClass error
I'm receiving an undefined method `site_name' for nil:NilClass error for the following. 我收到以下内容的nil:NilClass错误的未定义方法`site_name' 。 Would appreciate any help. 将不胜感激。 I'm trying to list the site_name in the Site table and i'm not sure how best to resolve the issue. 我正在尝试在“站点”表中列出site_name,但不确定如何最好地解决该问题。
class Site < ActiveRecord::Base
attr_accessible :site_id, :site_name, :region
has_many :trials, :foreign_key => "site_id"
class Trial < ActiveRecord::Base
attr_accessible :trial_id, :site_id, :year, :trial_type
scope :year, ->(year) { where(year: year) }
scope :trial_id, ->(trial_id) { where(trial_id: trial_id) }
belongs_to :site
My Controller: 我的控制器:
class TrialsController < ApplicationController
def index
@years = Trial.group('year').order('year DESC')
def trial
@trial = Trial.trial_id(params[:trial_id])
**def list
@list = Trial.year(params[:year]).order(:region_id).joins(:sites).where('sites.site_id' => :site_id)
end** 结束**
My view: 我的观点:
<% @list.each do |list| %>
<%= link_to list.site.site_name, trial_trials_path(trial_id: list.trial_id) %>
<%= link_to list.trial_type, trial_trials_path(trial_id: list.trial_id) unless list.trial_type.blank? %>
<%= link_to list.trial_type, trial_trials_path(trial_id: list.trial_id) %>
<%= link_to list.planted_at, trial_trials_path(trial_id: list.trial_id) unless list.planted_at.blank? %>
<%= link_to list.picked_at, trial_trials_path(trial_id: list.trial_id) unless list.picked_at.blank? %>
<% end %>
What if you just change the line to this: 如果仅将行更改为此:
<%= link_to list.site.site_name, trial_trials_path(trial_id: list.trial_id) if list.site.try(:site_name) %>
Also, you could do a Site.where(site_name: nil)
in the Rails console to see which site doesn't have a name. 另外,您可以在Rails控制台中执行Site.where(site_name: nil)
if you don't want page crush even if there is not site for list, you could try to use this 如果即使没有列表站点也不想页面粉碎,则可以尝试使用此方法
but I think that you should use another flow, like 但我认为您应该使用另一种流程,例如
You have to decide about your default site name, eg. 您必须确定默认站点名称,例如。 "Example.com"
. "Example.com"
。 And then you simply define it on nil: 然后只需在nil上定义它:
def nil.site_name
And the error will go away. 错误将消失。
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