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[英]overpass api - query nodes with substring in any tag

How can I get all nodes with a specific string in any tag? 如何在任何标签中获取具有特定字符串的所有节点?

for example, this gives all nodes with mystring in tag:name: 例如,这将给所有在标签:名称中带有mystring的节点:


but I want all nodes with mystring in ANY tags. 但我希望所有带有mystring的节点都在ANY标签中。 I dont know how to "wildcard" the tag-name. 我不知道如何“通配”标签名称。

Thx, Tom 汤姆,汤姆

Unfortunately, this is not yet possible in the Overpass API. 不幸的是,这在Overpass API中尚不可能。 But as far as I know, it is a feature that is currently been worked on. 但据我所知,此功能目前正在开发中。 See this ticket on github for more info about how to do this with a regular expression search on the tag key: https://github.com/drolbr/Overpass-API/issues/59 有关如何通过标签键上的正则表达式搜索执行此操作的更多信息,请参阅github上的该故障单: https : //github.com/drolbr/Overpass-API/issues/59

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