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耙子流产了! 未定义的方法“空”? 对于nil:NilClass

[英]rake aborted! undefined method `empty?' for nil:NilClass

I have some rake tasks defined and within those tasks; 我在其中定义了一些耙任务。 there is a code as follows 有一个代码如下

task :stale => :environment do |_, args|
    if args.extras.empty?

When I run the task; 当我运行任务时; it gets aborted with the following error 它因以下错误而中止

rake aborted! 耙子流产了! undefined method `empty?' 未定义的方法“空”? for nil:NilClass /lib/tasks/:387:in `block (3 levels) in ' /vendor/bundle/ruby/2.2.0/gems/bugsnag-2.8.12/lib/bugsnag/rake.rb:12:in `execute_with_bugsnag' Tasks: TOP => 对于nil:NilClass / lib / tasks /:387:在'/vendor/bundle/ruby/2.2.0/gems/bugsnag-2.8.12/lib/bugsnag/rake.rb:12中的块(3个级别)中:在`execute_with_bugsnag'任务中:TOP =>

How could this error be resolved? 如何解决此错误?

NilClass simply does not have a method called empty? NilClass根本没有称为empty?的方法empty? and args.extras is obviously nil at the moment. args.extras目前显然为零。

The best alternative in this case is blank? 在这种情况下最好的选择是blank? which will return true if the array/string is empty or if args.extra is nil. 如果数组/字符串为空或args.extra为nil,则返回true。

task :stale => :environment do |_, args|
    if args.extras.blank?

Here's a nice table from here showing the differences between empty? 下面是一个不错的表在这里显示之间的差异empty? , blank? blank? , etc.


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