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[英]Chronicle queue file corrupted?

When I read message from a chronicle queue, I got an exception "java.lang.IllegalStateException: Meta data not ready c0000000". 当我从编年史队列中读取消息时,我得到一个异常“java.lang.IllegalStateException:元数据未准备好c0000000”。 Is is possible to repair this queue file? 有可能修复这个队列文件吗?

This error could occur if you are reading using a much older version of the queue library. 如果您使用较旧版本的队列库进行读取,则可能会发生此错误。 Can you try the latest version 4.5.13? 你能试试4.5.13的最新版本吗?

Note this would be a bug in the reading code rather than a corruption of the file. 请注意,这将是读取代码中的错误,而不是文件损坏。 You can use DumpQueueMain to check this. 您可以使用DumpQueueMain来检查这一点。

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