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[英]Update single column of table and value should start from 0 and then should increment by 1

$sqlcount1 ="SET uid = -1 UPDATE `agent_normal` SET `uid` = @a:=@a+1";
$result = mysqli_query($conn,$sqlcount1);

how to write this query in core php? 如何在核心php中编写此查询?

This query works in mysql but not in core php. 此查询在mysql中有效,但在核心php中无效。

Here i want to update a single row of table and value should start from 0 and then should increment by 1. 在这里我想更新表的单行,值应从0开始,然后应增加1。

There are a couple of problems. 有几个问题。 Firstly, if you look at this answer you'll see you have an incorrect variable name and missing semicolon. 首先,如果您查看此答案 ,将会看到变量名不正确且分号丢失。 The query should be : 查询应为:

$sqlcount1 ="SET @a = -1; UPDATE `agent_normal` SET `uid` = @a:=@a+1";

Secondly, to use two queries in one call you need to use mysqli_multi_query . 其次,要在一个调用中使用两个查询,则需要使用mysqli_multi_query

$result = mysqli_multi_query($conn,$sqlcount1);

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