[英]Binding Collection in wpf comboBox with mvvm (C#)
I am trying to using mvvm pattern with wpf to create an interface for a project previously did in win form. 我正在尝试使用带有wpf的mvvm模式为之前以win形式执行的项目创建一个接口。 In this project i have an object that contains some List<> that i have to show in real time on my interface with a combobox, the problem is that combobox don't change his values. 在这个项目中,我有一个包含一些List <>的对象,我必须在我的界面上使用组合框实时显示,问题是组合框不会改变他的值。 I'm using the dll of mvvm fundation for implement NotifyPropertyChanged. 我正在使用mvvm基金的DLL来实现NotifyPropertyChanged。 I think to make some mistake but i don'y know where is it. 我想犯了一些错误,但我不知道它在哪里。
I've tried to do a simple code with only one list in viewmodel and without a model but the result doesn't change. 我试图在viewmodel中只有一个列表而没有模型的情况下做一个简单的代码,但结果不会改变。
<Window x:Class="ProvaComboBox.MainWindow"
Title="MainWindow" Height="450" Width="800">
<local:ViewModel />
<Button Content="Generate" Command="{Binding Generate}"/>
<Button Content="Clear" Command="{Binding Clear}"/>
<ComboBox ItemsSource="{Binding Path=Word, Mode=OneWay}" />
//view Model
class ViewModel:ObservableObject
private List<string> _word;
public List<string> Word
get { return _word; }
public ViewModel()
_word = new List<string>();
public ICommand Generate
{ get { return new RelayCommand(GenerateExecute); } }
void GenerateExecute()
public ICommand Clear
{ get { return new RelayCommand(ClearExecute); } }
void ClearExecute()
public partial class MainWindow : Window
public MainWindow()
I think that the problem it's RaisePropertyChanged, but it work correctly with normal variables. 我认为它的问题是RaisePropertyChanged,但它与正常变量一起正常工作。 I've tryed also using ObservableCollection and it work, but i can't use it with real project. 我也试过使用ObservableCollection它可以工作,但我不能用它与真正的项目。
(ps Its my first question in stack overflow, sorry if i did some mistake!) (ps这是我堆栈溢出的第一个问题,抱歉,如果我犯了一些错误!)
use ObservableCollection
like that 像这样使用ObservableCollection
public ObservableCollection<string> Word
get => _word;
_word= value;
and change the binding mode in your combobox xaml code from OneWay to TwoWay or just remove it to be something like 并将你的组合框xaml代码中的绑定模式从OneWay更改为TwoWay,或者只是将其删除为类似
<ComboBox ItemsSource="{Binding Path=Word}" />
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