[英]Get user setting from chache don`t work in WPF MVVM C#
I like to save the user input to the user settings and after every restart of the app I like that they get the "new" string from the settings.我喜欢将用户输入保存到用户设置中,并且在每次重新启动应用程序后,我喜欢他们从设置中获取“新”字符串。
But everytime the user settings proparty are empty.但是每次用户设置proparty都是空的。 Don`t know why.不知道为什么。 Can someone help me?有人能帮我吗?
Here is compressed code:这是压缩代码:
View Datacontext is in the code behinde: View Datacontext 在后面的代码中:
<m:Model x:Key="model"/>
<TextBox x:Name="txtbx_user" Text="{Binding UserName}"/>
Model: Model:
private string _userName;
public string UserName
if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(Properties.Settings.Default.UserName))
return Properties.Settings.Default.UserName;
return _userName;
_userName = value;
Properties.Settings.Default.UserName = _userName;
And yes I have the already set the string in the properties of the project.是的,我已经在项目的属性中设置了字符串。
Why I have every time if I restart the app a empty string in the Properties.Settings.Default.UserName为什么我每次重新启动应用程序时在 Properties.Settings.Default.UserName 中都有一个空字符串
Thank you guys!感谢你们!
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