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[英]How do set a range of cells to show the accuracy of the data automatically?

I was looking for a simple solution such as conditional formatting rules, but I can't find a way.我一直在寻找一个简单的解决方案,例如条件格式规则,但我找不到方法。

I need a range of cells say a column of numbers to automatically adjust the accuracy (number of number after the decimal) based solely on the number/data that is copied into the cells.我需要一系列单元格,比如一列数字,以仅根据复制到单元格中的数字/数据自动调整精度(小数点后的数字)。

Labs provide results with accuracy based on varying factors that can change over time depending on the analysis machines used, the amount of sample provided, etc. So one may get the following column of results (typically no more than 4 places of decimal).实验室根据不同因素提供准确度的结果,这些因素可能会随着时间的推移而变化,具体取决于所使用的分析机器、提供的样本量等。因此,人们可能会得到以下结果列(通常不超过小数点后 4 位)。

2.0, 0.11, 6.126, 100.0001 2.0、0.11、6.126、100.0001

You can't just set the column to show 4 places of decimal as this is an error.您不能只将列设置为显示 4 位小数,因为这是一个错误。 (ie 2.0 is not the same as 2.0000. The latter implies you are accurate to the 4th decimal as opposed to the level of accuracy the lab supplied which is only accurate to the 1st decimal. This is referred to as significant digits.) (即 2.0 与 2.0000 不同。后者意味着您精确到小数点后 4 位,而实验室提供的准确度级别仅精确到小数点后 1 位。这被称为有效数字。)

So the issue is how do I copy and past the above data into a workbook and have it automatically show the exact data with the number of decimals as shown/input without rounding or adding significant digits?所以问题是我如何将上述数据复制并传递到工作簿中,并让它自动显示带有显示/输入的小数位数的确切数据,而无需四舍五入或添加有效数字?

Thanks in advance for your help.在此先感谢您的帮助。

This custom formatting should do it这种自定义格式应该可以做到

0.0### 0.0###

to do this去做这个

  1. Select the range of cells you want the formatting applied to Select 要应用格式的单元格范围
  2. Under Formatting drop-down select "Number Formatting"在格式下拉 select “数字格式”
  3. Open the formatting drop-down again and select "More Number Formats"再次打开格式化下拉菜单和 select "More Number Formats"
  4. On the window that pops up, on the left side select "Custom"在弹出的 window 左侧 select "Custom"
  5. Then on the box that says "Type:" type the format string "0.0###"然后在显示“类型:”的框中输入格式字符串“0.0###”
  6. Then click ok, now on the format drop down the word "Custom" should be visible然后点击确定,现在在格式下拉菜单上应该可以看到“自定义”这个词

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