[英]unsupported operand type(s) for +: 'int' and 'str' [TypeError]
I am currently learning Python so I have no idea what is going on.我目前正在学习 Python,所以我不知道发生了什么。
# Given N, Amount of money in the house. Adjacent houses can't be stolen. Find the max amount that can be stolen
# 6,7,1,30,8,2,4
numbers = input()
n = numbers.split(",")
t = numbers.count(",")
def rob(nums, i):
if i <= 0:
return 0
return max(rob(nums, i-2) + nums[i], rob(nums, i-1))
print(rob(n, t))
When I run the program, entering in numbers for Num and I, it returns this:当我运行程序时,输入 Num 和 I 的数字,它会返回:
TypeError: unsupported operand type(s) for +: 'int' and 'str'
The values in the n array are of type 'str'
, not 'int'
. n 数组中的值的类型是'str'
。 This is because the .split
method returns type 'str'
You need to convert them to 'int'
in order to do the mathematical operations as you intend.这是因为.split
以便按照您的意愿进行数学运算。 Something like this:像这样的东西:
n = [int(val) for val in n]
Put this after the line where n is initialized.将其放在初始化 n 的行之后。
To solve the type error, you need to do as follows in the return line:要解决类型错误,您需要在返回行中执行以下操作:
return max(rob(nums, i-2) + int(nums[i]), rob(nums, i-1))
The problem is that you are adding the return value of rob(nums, i-2)
to the value nums[i]
which is a string, and addition of an int to string is undefined.问题是您将rob(nums, i-2)
中,并且将 int 添加到字符串是未定义的。 Note that the split function returns a list of strings (which is what n
is in your code).请注意, split 函数返回一个字符串列表(这就是您的代码中的n
Furthermore, I know you were not asking about whether the algorithm works or not, but for input 30,1,1,30
your code outputs 31
, but the max that can be stolen is 60
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