[英]Is it possible to use React native for steam?
is it possible to create a react native app and publish it on steam?是否可以创建一个反应原生应用程序并在 Steam 上发布它?
Does someone knowd projects which are used for steam games?有人知道用于蒸汽游戏的项目吗?
Checkout electron and react-desktop.结帐 electron 和 react-desktop。
https://www.electronjs.org/apps?category=games https://www.electronjs.org/apps?category=games
https://github.com/gabrielbull/react-desktop https://github.com/gabrielbull/react-desktop
react-native is used to develop webview mobile application. react-native 用于开发 webview 移动应用程序。 That's why it's not possible to make a game that you can play on steam.
这就是为什么无法制作可以在 Steam 上玩的游戏的原因。 However, it is possible to develop various mobile applications.
但是,可以开发各种移动应用程序。 You can check Electronjs and etc for develop desktop app but if you want to develop games for steam, my advice to you is to use game engines like Unity.
您可以查看 Electronjs 等开发桌面应用程序,但如果您想开发 Steam 游戏,我对您的建议是使用 Unity 等游戏引擎。
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