[英]How to check if the expression has division by 0 in calculator C? Floating point exception
I tried to make simple calculator supporting brackets and classic operators +,-,*,/ and I also need to eliminate division by zero in it.我试图制作支持括号和经典运算符 +、-、*、/ 的简单计算器,我还需要在其中消除被零除。 I may not be able to cope with it, I need to check if there is division by zero in the expression and if so function return 0. Now it returns Floating point exception
.我可能无法应付它,我需要检查表达式中是否有被零除,如果有则 function 返回 0。现在它返回Floating point exception
。 Can someone help?有人可以帮忙吗?
My code:我的代码:
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#define MAX_SIZE 1024
int insert_operand(int *operand, int * top_num, int num) /* data is pushed into the data stack*/
(*top_num) ++;
operand[*top_num] = num; /*save data*/
return 0; /*Exit normally*/
int insert_oper (char * oper , int *top_oper , char ch)
oper[*top_oper] = ch; /*save operator*/
return 0; /*Exit normally*/
int compare(char *oper , int *top_oper , char ch) /* compare the priority of the operating server*/
if((oper[*top_oper] == '-' || oper[*top_oper] == '+') /*Determine whether the current priority is higher than the priority of the operator at the top of the stack*/
&& (ch == '*' || ch == '/'))
return 0;
else if(*top_oper == -1 || ch == '('
|| (oper[*top_oper] == '(' && ch != ')')) /*Determine whether the operator stack is empty; whether the top operator is '('*/
return 0;
else if (oper[*top_oper] =='(' && ch == ')')
return 1;
return -1; /*Operate the operator*/
int deal_date(int *operand ,char *oper ,int *top_num, int *top_oper) /*perform data operation*/
int num_1 = operand[*top_num]; /*Take out two data from the data stack*/
int num_2 = operand[*top_num - 1];
int value = 0;
if(oper[*top_oper] == '+')
value = num_1 + num_2;
else if(oper[*top_oper] == '-')
value = num_2 - num_1;
else if(oper[*top_oper] == '*')
value = num_2 * num_1;
else if(oper[*top_oper] == '/')
value = num_2 / num_1;
(*top_num) --; /*Move the top of the data stack down one bit*/
operand[*top_num] = value; /*Push the obtained value into the data stack*/
(*top_oper) --; /*Move the top of the operator stack down one bit*/
return value;
void compress(char *stx) /* The additional function */
char work[101];
int i = strlen(stx);
strcpy(work, stx);
for (int j = 0; j < i; j++)
stx[j] = 0;
i = 0;
for (int j = 0; j < (int)strlen(work); j++)
if (work[j] != ' ')
stx[i] = work[j];
int main()
int operand[MAX_SIZE] = {0}; /*data stack, initialize*/
int top_num = -1;
char oper[MAX_SIZE] = {0}; /*operator stack, initialize*/
int top_oper = -1;
char *str = (char *) malloc (sizeof(char) * 100); /*get expression (without =)*/
//scanf("%s", str);
scanf("%[^\n]", str); /* Refined the scanf call to receive all characters prior to the newline/return character */
compress(str); /* Added this function to remove spaces */
char* temp;
char dest[MAX_SIZE];
int num = 0;
int i = 0;
while(*str != '\0')
temp = dest;
while(*str >= '0' && *str <= '9') /*judging whether it is data*/
*temp = *str;
} /*Encounter a symbol to exit*/
if(*str != '(' && *(temp - 1) != '\0') /*Determine whether the symbol is '('*/
*temp = '\0';
num = atoi(dest); /*convert string to number*/
insert_operand(operand, &top_num,num); /*Push data into the data stack*/
i = compare(oper,&top_oper,*str); /*judgment operator priority*/
if(i == 0)
insert_oper(oper,&top_oper,*str); /*press operator*/
else if(i == 1) /*judging whether the expression in brackets ends*/
else if(i == -1) /* data processing */
str ++; /* point to the next character of the expression */
printf("%d\n",operand[0]); /*output result*/
return 0;
Thanks for all answers感谢所有答案
I would detect if the divisor is zero along these lines:我会沿着这些线检测除数是否为零:
else if(oper[*top_oper] == '/')
value = num_1 ? num_2 / num_1 : 0;
or perhaps more verbose:或者更详细:
else if(oper[*top_oper] == '/')
value = num_2 / num_1;
value = 0;
and example session:和示例 session:
1 / 2
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