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在 javascript 中提交计算后如何防止 NaN 和 Infinity 结果

[英]How prevent NaN and Infinity result after submit calculation in javascript

I have simply javascript code.我只有 javascript 代码。 It's CBD dosage calculator.这是 CBD 剂量计算器。 ( even i don't know how i got it:D ) but, after submit button i get NaN or Infinite when some input is empty. (即使我不知道我是怎么得到的:D)但是,在提交按钮之后,当某些输入为空时,我得到 NaN 或 Infinite 。 How i can get alert or do nothing when inputs are empty or one of them.当输入为空或其中之一时,我如何获得警报或什么也不做。


<div class="cbd-calculator">
Vypočítajte si koľko mg CBD je v jednej kvapke a podľa závažnosti Vášho 
problému zistite, koľko kvapiek CBD denne uživať.
<span>Celková koncentrácia CBD ( koľko mg CBD je vo fľaštičke )</span>
<input required id="cbd-concentration" type="number" placeholder="500" />
<button id="calculate-button-1">Koľko CBD obsahuje jedna kvapka</button>
<p id="result-1"></p>
<span>Váha (kg):</span>
<input required id="weight" type="number" />
<span>Koľko mg CBD je v jednej kvapke</span>
<input required id="cbdin" type="number" />
<span>Požadovaná sila</span>
<select required id="strength">
<option value="low">Nízka</option>
<option value="medium">Stredná</option>
<option value="high">Vysoká</option>
<button id="calculate-button-2">Vypočítať</button>
<p id="result-2"></p>

JavaScript: JavaScript:

const dropperSize = 0.05; // ml
const bottleSize = 10; // ml
const cbdConcentration = document.getElementById("cbd-concentration");
const calculateButton1 = document.getElementById("calculate-button-1");
const result1 = document.getElementById("result-1");

const weight = document.getElementById("weight");
const strength = document.getElementById("strength");
const calculateButton2 = document.getElementById("calculate-button-2");
const result2 = document.getElementById("result-2");

// Calculator 1: CBD per drop
calculateButton1.addEventListener("click", function() {
let cbdConcentrationValue = cbdConcentration.value;
let cbdPerMl = cbdConcentrationValue / bottleSize;
let cbdPerDrop = cbdPerMl * dropperSize;
result1.innerHTML = `One drop contains ${cbdPerDrop} mg of CBD.`;

}); });

calculateButton2.addEventListener("click", function() {
let weightValue = weight.value;
    let cbdInDrop = cbdin.value 
let strengthValue = strength.value;
let cbdDose;
if (strengthValue === "low") {
    cbdDose = 2;
} else if (strengthValue === "medium") {
    cbdDose = 7;
} else if (strengthValue === "high") {
    cbdDose = 13;
let cbdPerDay = weightValue / 10 * cbdDose;
let numDrops = cbdPerDay / cbdInDrop;
let roundedDrops = Math.round(numDrops);
if (isNaN(roundedDrops)) roundedDrops = 0;
let mgCbdPerDay = roundedDrops * cbdInDrop;
if (isNaN(mgCbdPerDay)) mgCbdPerDay = 0;
result2.innerHTML = `Môžete užívať ${roundedDrops} kvapiek denne. Čo predstavuje ${mgCbdPerDay} mg CBD`;});

I have tried to put isNaN but now is showing Infinite when one of the input is empty.我曾尝试输入 isNaN,但现在当其中一个输入为空时显示 Infinite。

How can I get a notification or not show anything when I confirm the button.确认按钮时如何获得通知或不显示任何内容。

First make it a function. Put the values you want to check in if.首先将其设为 function。将要检查的值放入 if。 if it doesn't compare its terms, send alert and return如果它不比较它的条款,发送警报并返回

In calculateButton2.addEventListener you can check if weight.value, cbdin.value and strength.value are defined.calculateButton2.addEventListener中,您可以检查是否定义了 weight.value、cbdin.value 和 strength.value。 If they are not, you can use alert("Your message") function to notify user.如果不是,您可以使用alert("Your message") function 通知用户。

I have just added some validation checking with condition like weightValue == ''我刚刚添加了一些验证检查条件,例如weightValue == ''

 const dropperSize = 0.05; // ml const bottleSize = 10; // ml const cbdConcentration = document.getElementById("cbd-concentration"); const calculateButton1 = document.getElementById("calculate-button-1"); const result1 = document.getElementById("result-1"); const weight = document.getElementById("weight"); const strength = document.getElementById("strength"); const calculateButton2 = document.getElementById("calculate-button-2"); const result2 = document.getElementById("result-2"); // Calculator 1: CBD per drop calculateButton1.addEventListener("click", function() { let cbdConcentrationValue = cbdConcentration.value; if (cbdConcentrationValue == '') { alert('fill the fields') // write your message } else { let cbdPerMl = cbdConcentrationValue / bottleSize; let cbdPerDrop = cbdPerMl * dropperSize; result1.innerHTML = `One drop contains ${cbdPerDrop} mg of CBD.`; } }); calculateButton2.addEventListener("click", function() { let weightValue = weight.value; let cbdInDrop = cbdin.value let strengthValue = strength.value; let cbdDose; if (strengthValue === "low") { cbdDose = 2; } else if (strengthValue === "medium") { cbdDose = 7; } else if (strengthValue === "high") { cbdDose = 13; } if (weightValue == '' || cbdInDrop == '') { alert('fill the fields') // write your message } else { let cbdPerDay = weightValue / 10 * cbdDose; let numDrops = cbdPerDay / cbdInDrop; let roundedDrops = Math.round(numDrops); if (isNaN(roundedDrops)) roundedDrops = 0; let mgCbdPerDay = roundedDrops * cbdInDrop; if (isNaN(mgCbdPerDay)) mgCbdPerDay = 0; result2.innerHTML = `Môžete užívať ${roundedDrops} kvapiek denne. Čo predstavuje ${mgCbdPerDay} mg CBD`; } });
 <div class="cbd-calculator"> <p> Vypočítajte si koľko mg CBD je v jednej kvapke a podľa závažnosti Vášho problému zistite, koľko kvapiek CBD denne uživať. </p> <span>Celková koncentrácia CBD ( koľko mg CBD je vo fľaštičke )</span> <input required id="cbd-concentration" type="number" placeholder="500" /><br> <button id="calculate-button-1">Koľko CBD obsahuje jedna kvapka</button> <p id="result-1"></p> <span>Váha (kg):</span> <input required id="weight" type="number" /><br><br> <span>Koľko mg CBD je v jednej kvapke</span> <input required id="cbdin" type="number" /><br><br> <span>Požadovaná sila</span> <select required id="strength"> <option value="low">Nízka</option> <option value="medium">Stredná</option> <option value="high">Vysoká</option> </select><br><br> <button id="calculate-button-2">Vypočítať</button> <p id="result-2"></p> </div>

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