[英]GitHub workflow workflow_dispatch missing in actions tab
I created a workflow file and the workflow is not showing up in the GitHub actions tab我创建了一个工作流文件,但该工作流未显示在 GitHub 操作选项卡中
name: AZ Deploy Workflow on: workflow_dispatch: inputs: deploy-environment: description: 'Environment to deploy to' required: true default: 'dev' image-tag: description: 'Docker tag to deploy' required: true default: 'latest'
any ideas what's the issue.任何想法是什么问题。
Earlier I have added other workflow into the.github directory that shows in actions with no issue even if a put a empty file it does but not this one早些时候,我已经将其他工作流程添加到 .github 目录中,该目录显示在没有问题的操作中,即使放置一个空文件也是如此,但不是这个
Make sure your workflow is located in the default branch .确保您的工作流位于默认分支中。
To run a workflow manually, the workflow must be configured to run on the
事件上运行。 To trigger theworkflow_dispatch
event, your workflow must be in the default branch.要触发workflow_dispatch
事件,您的工作流必须位于默认分支中。 For more information about configuring theworkflow_dispatch
event, see " Events that trigger workflows ".有关配置workflow_dispatch
事件的更多信息,请参阅“ 触发工作流的事件”。
For more details, see the Manually running a workflow and about the default branch .有关详细信息,请参阅手动运行工作流和关于默认分支。
it worked after merging into the main branch.它在合并到主分支后工作。 Thank you for the help感谢您的帮助
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