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当我当前的代码不工作时,如何使用 assimp.net 加载 model 和 C#?

[英]How can I load a model with assimp.net and C# when my current code isn't working?

I'm trying to import a model with assimp.net and c# but the my code doesn't work any help?我正在尝试使用 assimp.net 和 c# 导入 model,但我的代码没有任何帮助?

Here is my code:这是我的代码:

 public void LoadModel(string model, out float[] vertices, out int[] indices) {       
        AssimpContext contex = new AssimpContext();
        var a = contex.ImportFile(model);
        Mesh[] meshes;

        int vnumber = 0;

        calcMeshes(a,out meshes);

        calcVerices(meshes[0], vnumber, out vertices);

        calcIndices(meshes[0],out indices);


    void calcMeshes(Scene scenes,out Mesh[] a)

        a = scenes.Meshes.ToArray();

    void calcIndices(Mesh mesh, out int[] a)

        a = mesh.GetIndices();

    void calcVerices(Mesh mesh,int vnumber, out float[] a)

        List<float> v = new List<float>();
        foreach (var item in mesh.Vertices)

            vnumber += 1;


        a = v.ToArray();


I tried to rewrite the function and the result is this the result (should be a cube):我试图重写 function 结果是这个结果(应该是一个立方体):

I don't know if is an indices issuse or a veritces issues.我不知道是 indices issuse 还是 veritces 问题。

For me it looks like a index issue.对我来说,它看起来像是一个索引问题。 Unfortunately, you havent't shown the code for creating the indices as well.不幸的是,您还没有显示用于创建索引的代码。 All render data in assimp is separated into vertex- and index data. assimp 中的所有渲染数据都分为顶点数据和索引数据。 The indices will describe which face with the related vertices shall be used.索引将描述应使用具有相关顶点的面。 And this information was ignored in your code if I have understood it correctly.如果我理解正确的话,这些信息在你的代码中被忽略了。


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