[英]Difficulty in displaying a report
I'm developing for the first time in layers (Data, Business, Presentation), before I was doing it directly, now I want to show a report, these are the codes:我是第一次分层开发(数据、业务、演示),在我直接进行之前,现在我想显示一个报告,这些是代码:
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Data;
using System.Data.OleDb;
namespace CapaDatos
public class DCategorias
public int IDCategoria { get; set; }
public string Categoria { get; set; }
public string Notas { get; set; }
public DataTable Mostrar()
DataTable TablaDatos = new DataTable("Categorias");
using (OleDbConnection OleDbConexion = new OleDbConnection())
OleDbConexion.ConnectionString = DConexion.ChronusBD;
OleDbCommand OleDbComando = new OleDbCommand
Connection = OleDbConexion,
CommandText = @"SELECT Categoria, Notas
FROM Categorias
ORDER BY Categoria",
CommandType = CommandType.Text
OleDbDataAdapter OleDbAdaptadorDatos = new OleDbDataAdapter(OleDbComando);
catch (Exception ex)
throw new Exception("Error al intentar ejecutar la instrucción. " + ex.Message, ex);
return TablaDatos;
public List<DCategorias> Reporte()
DataTable tablaDatos = Mostrar();
List<DCategorias> categorias = new List<DCategorias>();
foreach (DataRow row in tablaDatos.Rows)
DCategorias categoria = new DCategorias();
categoria.Categoria = row["Categoria"].ToString();
categoria.Notas = row["Notas"].ToString();
return categorias;
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Data;
using CapaDatos;
namespace CapaNegocio
public class NCategorias
public string Categoria { get; set; }
public string Notas { get; set; }
public static DataTable Mostrar()
return new DCategorias().Mostrar();
public static List<NCategorias> ReporteCategorias()
List<DCategorias> categoriasDatos = new DCategorias().Reporte();
List<NCategorias> categoriasNegocio = new List<NCategorias>();
foreach (DCategorias categoriaDatos in categoriasDatos)
NCategorias categoriaNegocio = new NCategorias();
//categoriaNegocio.IDCategoria = categoriaDatos.IDCategoria;
categoriaNegocio.Categoria = categoriaDatos.Categoria;
categoriaNegocio.Notas = categoriaDatos.Notas;
return categoriasNegocio;
//Form with ReportViewer and button BtnPrint
using Microsoft.Reporting.WinForms;
using CapaNegocio;
namespace CapaPresentacion.Formularios
public partial class FormReportes : Form
public List<NCategorias> reporte = new List<NCategorias>();
public FormReportes()
private void BtnImprimir_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
// ReportViewer => AreaReporte
List<NCategorias> categorias = NCategorias.ReporteCategorias();
DataTable tablaCategorias = new DataTable("Categorias");
tablaCategorias.Columns.Add("Categoria", typeof(string));
tablaCategorias.Columns.Add("Notas", typeof(string));
foreach (NCategorias categoria in categorias)
DataRow fila = tablaCategorias.NewRow();
fila["Categoria"] = categoria.Categoria;
fila["Notas"] = categoria.Notas;
AreaReporte.LocalReport.DataSources.Add(new ReportDataSource("CategoriasDS", tablaCategorias));
AreaReporte.LocalReport.ReportEmbeddedResource = "ChronusFutsal.CapaPresentacion.Reportes.RepCategorias.rdlc";
// Hacemos un refresh al reportViewer
I have the report named RepCategorias.rdlc with data source Object and Dataset named CategoriaDS from CapaNegocio.NCategorias with the fields Categoria and Notas.我的报告名为 RepCategorias.rdlc,数据源为 Object,数据集名为 CategoriaDS,来自 CapaNegocio.NCategorias,字段为 Categoria 和 Notas。 I get error in the AreaReporte.RefreshReport() System.NullReferenceException Please could someone tell me the error?我在 AreaReporte.RefreshReport() System.NullReferenceException 中出错 请有人能告诉我错误吗?
I found the error.. I just had to change the version of SqlServer.Type and it worked.我发现了错误。我只需要更改 SqlServer.Type 的版本就可以了。
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