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[英]Why does C# split give me an array ending in an empty line?

I have the following expression: 我有以下表达式:

"<p>What ?</p>\n<pre>Starting Mini</pre>"

When I perform a split as follows: 当我按如下方式执行拆分时:

   var split = content
      .Split(new[] { "<pre>", "</pre>" }, StringSplitOptions.None);

Then it gives me three entries: 然后它给了我三个条目:

"<p>What ?</p>\n"
"Starting Mini"

Why does it give an empty line as the third entry and how can I avoid this? 为什么它将空行作为第三个条目,我该如何避免这种情况?

The "why" is simply: the input (if you don't remove empty entries) will always "split" at any occurrence of the separator(s), so if the separator(s) appear n times in the string, then the array will be n+1 long. “为什么”只是:输入(如果你不删除空条目)将始终在任何分隔符出现时“拆分”,所以如果分隔符在字符串中出现n次,那么数组将是n+1长。 In particular, this essentially lets you know where they occurred in the original string (although when using multiple separators, it doesn't let you know which appeared where). 特别是,这基本上可以让你知道他们发生于原始的字符串(虽然使用多个分离器时,它不会让你知道哪些地方出现)。

For example, with a simple example (csv without any escaping etc): 例如,使用一个简单的例子(没有任何转义的csv等):

string[] arr = input.Split(','); // even if something like "a,b,c,d,"
// which allows...
int numberOfCommas = arr.Length - 1;
string original = string.Join(",", arr);

The fix is, as already mentioned, to use RemoveEmptyEntries . 如前所述,修复程序是使用RemoveEmptyEntries

Use StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries instead to remove empty string in list 使用StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries来删除列表中的空字符串

 var split = content
  .Split(new[] { "<pre>", "</pre>" }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);

You get this behaviour as specified from Microsoft: "Adjacent delimiters yield an array element that contains an empty string ("")." 您得到Microsoft指定的此行为: “相邻分隔符产生一个包含空字符串(”“)的数组元素。” So since you have the last pre you get the last empty array element 所以既然你有最后一个预备版,你就得到了最后一个空数组元素

The reason you are getting this behaviour is that your one of the delimeter </pre> happens to exist at the end of the string . 您获得此行为的原因是您的其中一个分隔符</pre>恰好存在于字符串末尾

You may see: string.Split - MSDN 你可能会看到: string.Split - MSDN

... a delimiter is found at the beginning or end of this instance, the corresponding array element contains Empty ... 此实例的开头或结尾找到分隔符 ,相应的数组元素包含Empty

To overcome this: 要克服这个:

Use StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries instead of StringSplitOptions.None 使用StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries而不是StringSplitOptions.None

StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries - MSDN StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries - MSDN

The return value does not include array elements that contain an empty string 返回值不包含包含空字符串的数组元素

 var split = content
       .Split(new[] { "<pre>", "</pre>" }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);

Mailou, instead of giving 'StringSplitOptions.None' try 'StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries'. Mailou,而不是给'StringSplitOptions.None'尝试'StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries'。 It removes the the empty lines. 它删除了空行。


StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries enumerator.

The split string[] values not include any empty string by using StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries 通过使用StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries ,split string []值不包含任何空字符串

var split = content
  .Split(new[] { "<pre>", "</pre>" }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);

Reference: StringSplitOptions Enumeration 参考: StringSplitOptions枚举

You are getting empty line due to 你得到空行了


You are instructing split function to split by <pre> and </pre> 您正在通过<pre></pre>指示split功能

As result with <pre> you are getting 结果<pre>你得到了

<p>What ?</p>\n
Starting Mini</pre>

And next result is with </pre> is 接下来的结果是</pre>

<p>What ?</p>\n
Starting Mini

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