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Get Process Diagram with Service Task in Activiti

I'm using Activiti 5.22.0.
I use Activiti Designer plugin in Eclispe to create a process.
Now I want to use a service task to get process diagram with current task higlighted and save it to database to show on web later.
I'm new to Activiti so I really don't know what I should to write in Java class of Service Task to get process diagram image.
Can you help me? Thank you very much.

Activiti comes with a Diagram generator in the org.activiti.image module. use can use the DefaultDiagramGenerator for your case. below is a sample code to get you started. please inject the required services.

 * Get Process instance diagram
public InputStream getProcessDiagram(String processInstanceId) {
    ProcessInstance processInstance = runtimeService.createProcessInstanceQuery()

    // null check
    if (processInstance != null) {
        // get process model
        BpmnModel model = repositoryService.getBpmnModel(processInstance.getProcessDefinitionId());

        if (model != null && model.getLocationMap().size() > 0) {
            ProcessDiagramGenerator generator = new DefaultProcessDiagramGenerator();
            return generator.generateDiagram(model, ActivitiConstants.PROCESS_INSTANCE_IMAGE_FORMAT,
    return null;

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