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How to fill the tensor in tensorflow c++?

I am loading the.pb file in tensorflow c++. Now I need to fill the input tensor with my data and get the output tensors.

To fill data, I am using below code:

tensorflow::Tensor points_tensor{tensorflow::DataType::DT_FLOAT, tensorflow::TensorShape({number_of_points,4})};
    auto pointsMapped = points_tensor.tensor<float, 2>();
    for(int i=0; i<number_of_points; i++){
        //to the shifting here only
    pointsMapped(i,0) = point_cloud.points[i].x;
    pointsMapped(i,1) = point_cloud.points[i].y;
    pointsMapped(i,2) = point_cloud.points[i].z;
    pointsMapped(i,3) = point_cloud.points[i].intensity;

point_cloud is a vector of point object.

But I do not think so, it is better way to do it in c++. Because I need to access my tensor shape so.

Can someone help me with this?

Actually The above mentioned method is the better way to fill the tensor in tensorflow

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