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Correct attribute for buttons in HTML

What is better for empty buttons (without text) in HTML, attribute "aria-label" or "button"? I use this empty tags and buttons for nodes in JS.

Has there been some discussion that it would be better for accessibility?

For empty buttons in HTML, it is best to use the air-label attribute.

This allows screen readers and accessibility devices to provide a description of the button for users with visual impairments. "aria-label" ( <button id="siteSearch" aria-label="Find in this site">Go</button> )provides a textual description of the button, whereas using the button tag without text can cause confusion for users with disabilities.


Please note, as pointed out in other posts ( Button with icon labelled with aria-label still an 'Empty Button' error ) it is recommended not to put anything in a blank button but to leave the "standard view" like this:

<button type="button" class="btn btn-default dropdown-toggle">
   <i class="fa fa-arrows">Sort</i>

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