I am writing my very first script in Python 2.7. (And this is my very first question/post here and about Python scripting at all) Solved/found out al ...
I am writing my very first script in Python 2.7. (And this is my very first question/post here and about Python scripting at all) Solved/found out al ...
I am just starting in Python (though have coding experience in other languages) and am working on this assignment for a class in ArcGIS pro. We have b ...
Why am I getting a Syntax error on elif when trying to calculate an index with the UpdateCursor function in Python? This is my code, the second elif a ...
My target is to create a script tool using python where I will select location by area and export the area in the directory. To do so I have used this ...
I cloned a python environment and recreated it on a new machine using Anaconda Navigator with a yml file. My script runs fine in the new environment u ...
When trying to do a Select By Location, the same error keeps appearing : arcgisscripting.ExecuteError: Failed to execute. Parameters are not valid. E ...
I'm trying to join a csv file with millions of rows to a shapefile using JoinField but it's taking forever. And when the join is completed, I get 0 in ...
I wrote a geoprocessing code using arcpy that works fine, but after the last geoprocessing tool (export table to excel) won't continue to the last tas ...
I am using an ArcPy function (ExtractByAttributes) in a for loop. I have a series of files names ("i") in a list (test). They are rasters for which I ...
I am not sure why my arcpy result's point outline is not changing to clear in ArcGIS Pro. Everything else works, except for the outline syntax. Is the ...
I am new to Python and trying to create a Polyline feature from Lat longs in a text file. Using answers to similar questions, below is the code I came ...
i try to join a text (an adress) with a list to have at final my list with the adress in fisrt like: paris street 1 paris street 2 etc so i try to do ...
I am EXTREMELY new to Python and have been handed a deprecated script for conducting a batch spatial analysis using arcpy. I've updated everything suc ...
I am working on a project that works with gdb and converts outputs into shapefiles. I know that Shape_Length and Shape_Area are automatically generate ...
I'm working with NLCD raster data to make a canopy layer across the US. I have a loop set up to where I will clip a section of my massive woodland lay ...
As mentioned above, I am currently trying to fill two empty lists with attributes that I get of a geodatabasefile. The attribute's names are 'OBJECTID ...
I have a bit of a general question about the compatibility of Pandas dataframes and Arc featureclasses. My current project is within ArcGIS and so I ...
I used the function arcpy.GetImageEXIFProperties to read EXIF specific data from an image taken by a drone and it worked fine. Now I have a bunch o ...
Printing rows using SearchCursor has different results when using variables as parameters then when hard coded. I'm using the python console in ArcGIS ...
Is it possible to use a custom python toolbox (pyt) in a scripting environment (arcpy). For example I have created a .pyt toolbox and want to be able ...