I have 3 TSQL queries that work individually, but I need to combine them into one single query. In Microsoft Access, they were successfully combined u ...
I have 3 TSQL queries that work individually, but I need to combine them into one single query. In Microsoft Access, they were successfully combined u ...
I have built this query below in order to get the total vol by each route, sla_min and also the sla_status. The sla_status is calculated with case wh ...
I'm looking to calculate the number of days that overlap between to (DateTime) spans of time. Logic behind the question is: A prisoner is serving a s ...
I have a large data.frame called "sim" that has a character colunm named "CAUSABAS", something like this: This data.frame is created using the pack ...
There is some legacy code that I am convinced could be replaced in a more elegant and robust solution. A series of flags are used to identify the cla ...
I have a table containing the image id and score. Table A positive sample is the image id with the score closer to 1 and a negative sample is the im ...
lastMove = DATETIME field (0000-00-00 00:00:00) maxzettijd = TIME field. (000:00:00) Errors: Keyword not recognized. (near "AS" at position 162) ...
I'm building a Stored Procedure meant to be run daily. Due to how the data is provided me, some days some of the columns necessary for the output are ...
I have a dataset with names from some variables corresponding to each month (e.g. var1_M1, var1_M2 var2_M1 ...) and I need to summarize by each month ...
I've tried replace character which match with specific character or followed by "BT", but my codes failed. This is my codes: the error is: Where ...
I want to know which of the conditions in ORs matched, making only one request The SQL below is wrong. What is a right way to do it? I want to get ...
Working with postgres 9.4 and using PGAdmin III: I have a schema with a character field that MAY contain "new lines" (NLs), or MAY contain double spac ...
Why does case when return a larger length vector when the evaluated condition only is length one? This is using the dplyr::case_when(). Here is my e ...
I have a table called country that has 2 columns: orderid, country_code. I need to do the following CASE WHEN: However, when I run the code, Regio ...
I have the following table1 invoice And table2 invoice_payment I am trying to get each invoice with the amount paid and the breakdown of the pay ...
There are only 8 channelgrouping, so I can list them. Just wonder if there is a better way to reduce the repetition? What if there are 100 channelgr ...
Im trying to extract data within a column that contains IDs and characters that contain IDs within parentheses. It looks somewhat like this (Btw, ther ...
I have created to new column names SKU and Materialnumber with a function. But when i create a case with these two columns the system does not recogni ...
Lets say I have this kind of data I want to make some kind of additional rows, and after that make new column based on this additional rows My exp ...
I dont't understand why the when condition evaluate the result if it is FALSE. FOR EXAMPLE: Here postgresqll's message: ERROR: function lower( ...