I'm looking to calculate the number of days that overlap between to (DateTime) spans of time. Logic behind the question is: A prisoner is serving a s ...
I'm looking to calculate the number of days that overlap between to (DateTime) spans of time. Logic behind the question is: A prisoner is serving a s ...
I tried this but how to calculate for leap years. SELECT FLOOR(DATEDIFF(NOW(), date_of_birth) / 365.25) as years, FLOOR(MOD(DATEDIFF(NOW(), date_ ...
I have the following table: The results that I want are: My current query language is: SELECT h1.Source_ID, min(CONVERT(varchar,h1.CREATED_DATE ...
We transfer data from Oracle SQL to SQL Server in the near real-time data warehouse. (Oracle is a transactional database) The time changes twice a yea ...
So, next problem :'), I have the following query that @MatBailie provided to me here (thanks again!): This query will tell me how many days a certa ...
So, I have a table that holds records of employees performing certain tasks. A task has an id, a taskname, an employee and a startDate and endDate. U ...
I have two dates, e.g. '2022-01-03' and '2022-03-04', is there any neat way to calculate ONLY the completed full calendar months between these dates? ...
I have to create a query in SQL Server that calculates the difference in minutes between the time of a start date and the time of an end date consider ...
Let's say we have the following pandas dataframe, working on python: worker shift_start shift_end function ...
I am using the following code to change the status of an order in a woocommerce site when a given field 'ship_by_date_dont_edit' is within 2 (or less) ...
I have table called Client, which has the fields ClientFirstName, ClientLastName, Occupation and ClientDob. I want to get the age of the clients. I wi ...
I'm trying to calculate someone's age so that it displays the number of years, months, and days between their birthday and today() using this formula ...
firstDate secondDate 2022-12-02 2023-01-02 .. ... the second dat ...
I'm working on a database where the production team can input their worked hours and such into a form. I want to have them fill in when they started a ...
I am nesting an IF statement inside a DATEDIF to determine employee tenure. I am trying to write the formula in such a way that pulls the termination ...
I'm trying to display on a DataGridView Cell, a value to represent the remaing days between two dates and i'm using DateDiff but it returns an empty c ...
I'm trying to add a computed column into an existing database table that will calculate age e.g. "23" from field "DOB" stored as YEAR (4) e.g. 1988. ...
I'm working on a data warehouse where I have one fact table 'Inventory' and three dimension tables: Product, Location and Time. Each dimension table i ...
I'm using DATEDIFF() function to find out difference in terms weeks between two dates, but it is working differently for different dates. Please find ...
I have a list of everyone's birthdays like below where today is 2022-09-09. How do I create a formula in google sheets where regardless of the year ...