I want to format a horizontal navigation bar below a fixed header for a site i am making. I was able to do so, but now the hover effect is not working ...
I want to format a horizontal navigation bar below a fixed header for a site i am making. I was able to do so, but now the hover effect is not working ...
I am programming a quantity selector button and want it to be responsive. That is, I want the minus and plus to contain only as much width as the icon ...
I have an image that I want to fit in flexbox. Card has fixed size, and I want the image to fit in without specifying size but it just ignores flexbox ...
I can't believe I am asking this because it must be quite simple. But am working in react-native and have to use flexbox I think for this, but I am op ...
I would like to do a responsive design for my page, with high resolution, it would be : And for lower resolution, it would be : But I have this ...
I'm a complete novice here, I want to put the vault-tec image on the left side aligned with the navigation menu, Here's the css input: I tried w ...
I am new to HTM/CSS and was trying to create a navigation bar on in header, using flex and when hover it should animate underline from bottom left to ...
Let's say I have a Flex-Box #X in which i want to arrange 4 Flex-Items #Y1 ... #Y4 as follows: For an output medium smaller than 60em the flex-items ...
I have a label that has display: inline-flex alongside a span. I would like to center the label so that the middle of its text aligns properly with th ...
So I'm trying to create a template where one div is a picture and another one is a text with background. Now i want to make this template responsive, ...
I am trying to create some windows on a house, this house has 30 windows. I wondered if it would be possible to create it using only one div and repea ...
I'm using tailwindcss and this html: REPL: https://play.tailwindcss.com/L8McFjGBVC <div class="grid grid-cols-12"> <div class="col-span-4 ...
I am trying to make a gallery of 16:9 images that constrain to both the width and the height of their container. They should automatically wrap into h ...
My ultimate layout should be as follow: Widths of "img div" and "parent text div" are fixed as 30% and 70% respectively of "parent div". The height ...
I'm trying to click on an element using selenium and make a calender pop up. I think that the "flex thingy" has something to do with this. I'm trying ...
I am trying to get an icon to be placed to the left of the text as in the image. Right now for some reason it is on top of the text. The icon are insi ...
How to make all cards same size and aligned in a row? I tried to use different styling but cards looks messy. I don know what do i need to change in m ...
I made a simple card with CSS. I'm trying to make it responsive but when I resize dimensions using DevTools, the card overflows over entire page. I kn ...
I'm trying to modify a javascript file that prepares data into reference cards to then print out. By default, the script uses smaller cards that fit a ...
When I use flex with gap, the last row has some space at the end (I think equal in size to gap): https://jsfiddle.net/Lgnzj4ya/ Why doesn't the last ...