I am trying to write a model but i keep getting this error. Here is the code. ...
I am trying to write a model but i keep getting this error. Here is the code. ...
In my bottomNavigationBar I would like to highlight the page number the user is on when scrolling through the pages of a book. This could be done by s ...
... dependencies: flutter: sdk: flutter cupertino_icons: ^1.0.2 http: ^0.13.6 local_auth: ^2.1.6 rxdart: ^0.27.7 bloc: ^8.1.2 goog ...
. Answers to this question are eligible for a +100 reputation bounty ...
I am currently creating a database using Isar that looks like this: In my code, I've got an image I'm drawing these polygons onto using a GestureDe ...
i create a function to cek user, from API to check user login or not. i use this because my API is not realtime. this my code for funcheckuser I cr ...
background_fetch: ^1.1.6 I use the above plugin to execute a task for every 15 minutes even after terminate the app. But after adding the above libra ...
I currently have a riverpod provider declared as follows: I have used the riverpod generator which generates an AutoDisposeNotifierProvider. This ...
In project build.gradle: In app build.gradle: ...
I have an expansion tile in my app. I want to reduce the default height of this widget. I have used different solutions available but none works as ex ...
I have a StateNotifierProvider that calls an async function which loads some images from the internal storage and adds them to the AsyncValue data: ...
By updating Flutter 3.8.0 I am getting the following error in flutter_date_time_picker. I would like to know if anyone knows a solution to this proble ...
How to test Function passed as an argument in Flutter? code: test: Or maybe testing this way is not the idiomatic way, because the test becomes ...
I'm trying out compute engine and I've successfully setup a vm, created a flask app as an API that accepts POST requests so I can further send emails ...
enter image description here I want to change iconColor variable in AppIcon2 class when onTap is done. How do I do it with Provider? `` I tried to ...
X Visual Studio is missing necessary components. Please re-run the Visual Studio installer for the "Desktop development with C++" workload, and includ ...
I need to sort the list by date, but sorting only by first number. I get this format from JSON 20-JAN-23 and I'm trying to order with model.data.so ...
This is how I create a database. When I delete any data, id continues from where it left off. For example, I have id data in the range 1-10. When t ...
I am getting some list of images names only I need to get it from my asset folder. But there are some images which are not available so I need to add ...
I have the following sign out code which works well as long as a user does not try to sign out after reopening the app. It means if a user is logged i ...