I webscrape in Jupiter notebook (Python) using selenium and a chrome driver. With the new chrome version (113.0.5672.64) the driver fails to launch. I ...
I webscrape in Jupiter notebook (Python) using selenium and a chrome driver. With the new chrome version (113.0.5672.64) the driver fails to launch. I ...
Quite simple, but I'm confused. On my Python script which does web scraping with selenium, all the inputs are for country is no space inside needed ...
I have a Blazor server-side app and I added the following the <head> of _Host.cshtml: I originally all the hashes that were reported in the c ...
I am using vite react typescript. My App component My DatePicker component My Calendar Component and finally my css file check this image ...
I have simple website created with vanilla JavaScript and I had create a simple chrome extension. I want to know is there any way to figure out if my ...
in this piece of HTML code the opening of the website in the Microsoft Edge browser is indicated if installed on the device. Can anyone help me? I ...
I have to make visual tests for test automation purposes, with window browser size being (x=1366,y=668). When I'm running these tests in a headless mo ...
I have a site that has multiple input fields containing URLs with the same value (X) that I want to replace with (Y). Basically, I want to automate re ...
I am trying my best to click the "Allow all" and then the "Continue" button the slido user login website I am trying the following code to do that ...
I am out of ideas what is happening here in Chrome (109 on win 10), hope someone could help me understand... Lets say I have a simple .html: <!DO ...
We know that when our whole JS program is executed it's GEC (Global Execution Context) is popped out of the call stack. And since GEC stores the globa ...
Consider the following output: In the output, you can notice weird corners in the username input (extra white-colored edges.) But they do not appea ...
I have a page with a lot of small svg embded (337 exactly) all like this : url is relative and all svg are in the same directory most of them wor ...
I have an error: I have already used the code to get latest version of webdriver- With this same code I am able to run this code on my local mac ...
I am trying to create a pretty simple chrome extension that enables me to navigate the browser back and forward using horizontal scrolling. I want to ...
I'M creating an extension that autofill's forms on different websites. There is a portion of the script that records the actions of the user with even ...
I'm receiving the following error when launching my python script with selenium. I'm not sure what exactly is going on here - I would give more det ...
Ruby: 3.1.3 Rails Version: Chrome Version: 109.0.5414.119 Setting a user_id in a cookie in a session controller, but it's not showing up on s ...
I want to do a script that opens a web page and that web page should have information of other opened tabs in the browser. means that nodejs server s ...
I wrote a Java WebApp using Tomcat Version 9.0.69 and Wicket 9.12.0 plus Chrome Version 109.0.5414.75 for display, but CSP (Content-Security-Policy) t ...