cost 95 ms
Jolt not printing anything

I am writing jolt for transforming this data but not getting desired result If practice_loc,prac_num and topId are same for two or more data then the ...

missing few lines to print

below is my code: below is my data, the code prints only last 10 keys and its values in json format but it is not printing the first 20 keys and it ...

Python JSON to tree with anytree

I have JSON data that looks something like basically an array of all existing references between nodes. I want to be able to draw trees starting fr ...

Can this jq map be simplified?

Given this JSON: Can the following jq code be simplified? The use of variable assignment feels like cheating and I'm wondering if it can be elim ...

2023-02-01 18:02:14   2   56    json / jq  

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