I am starting a julia REPL in my project directory with julia --project. Then I include("scripts/main.jl") in the REPL which runs some HTTP and WS ser ...
I am starting a julia REPL in my project directory with julia --project. Then I include("scripts/main.jl") in the REPL which runs some HTTP and WS ser ...
In Julia, you can't store a string like that: Because there is a backslash. So the following allows you to prevent that: The same occurs for "$, ...
I am trying to write code to store a matrix to a variable directly from Matrix Market's website. Below is a sample URL that I'd use: https://math.nis ...
Thanks to this great answer from @Przemyslaw Szufel, we can easily redirect stdio output into a file providing its path. I wanted to know if it is po ...
I am trying to use linear regression in GLM from Julia, with a matrix as inputs rather than a DataFrame. The inputs are: But when I tried to fit i ...
I came across a Rose plot obtained with Plots.jl package in Julia: https://goropikari.github.io/PlotsGallery.jl/src/rose.html Two things are not cle ...
If I do the following: The output is: However, I would prefer it look similar to the way Numpy outputs the result of the same problem (EDIT: pre ...
I have custom Julia package, which has hopefully quite standard structure. I have single package, src directory with sources and then test directory w ...
Ive been working with adjustments and I have coordinates and I need to plot a sphere with wireframe, I need to draw these points and this sphere on th ...
The below is the sample dataframe and I want to extract the value bw of Rat as Float64 not as Vector{Float64}. I get a Vector{Float64} when I use t ...
I have a Dockerfile that installs Julia and some dependencies, then call a script. The 1st line of the script is "using JSServe" which should be insta ...
How can I reduce verbosity in the Julia package for xgboost (XGBoost)? I have set print_every_n => Int(0) and verbosity=0 but I still get the info ...
I'm trying to run julia on google colab, but it does not work for some reason. I'm using this template: https://colab.research.google.com/github/ager ...
I am trying to use optimize from Julia's Optim package to estimate the vector beta = [beta_0, beta_1]' , but I am getting unreasonable results. I've ...
I am trying to implement convolution by hand in Julia. I'm not too familiar with image processing or Julia, so maybe I'm biting more than I can chew. ...
I am doing loops over arrays/vector of dicts. My Julia performance is slower than Python. Run time is 25% longer than Python. The toy program below r ...
I want to solve this integration. With the upper limit phi ranging from 1-2.4. I want to receive answers at every increment of phi. The code that I h ...
I need to design a Pie Gauge Chart for each JOB category. My data look like and I need to create Circular Gauge for each JOB progress. How should I ...
Given a nucleotide sequence, I'm writing some Julia code to generate a sparse vector of (masked) kmer counts, and I would like it to run as fast as po ...
I have a dataframe with some columns,sometimes it can be : [Type_House, Name, Location]. And sometimes it can be: [Type_Build, Name, Location] There ...