I am trying to transcribe a video using the code below, but I received the following error: ERROR : transcribe_video_to_text audio.close() Attri ...
I am trying to transcribe a video using the code below, but I received the following error: ERROR : transcribe_video_to_text audio.close() Attri ...
I want to use langchain for my project. so I installed it using following command : pip install langchain but While importing "langchain" I am facin ...
I am trying to run this code - Automatic Labelling of Topics with Neural Embeddings The problem is that they did not mention what versions they used ...
We have to extract an entity which is inside another entity, any idea on how can we annotate the training data to train a NER model for this task. We ...
I am trying to make a NLP multi-class sentiment classifier where it takes in sentences as input and classifies them into three classes (negative, neut ...
I am working on topic inference on a new corpus given a previously derived lda model. I am able to load the model perfectly, while I am not able to lo ...
Can anyone tell how can i get pooled output form deberta model ? Can anyone tell how can i get pooled output form deberta model ? i would like to use ...
How can I solve natural language inference using fine-tuned SentenceBERT models(ex. sentence-transformers/all-MiniLM-L6-v2 · Hugging Face) to obtain b ...
I want to merge my predicted results of my test data to my X_test. I was able to merge it with y_test but since my X_test is a corpus I'm not sure how ...
For example like: So I hope to get 2 lists like these: I saw someone mentioned NLTK, but I haven't used the package so I would hope for some ins ...
I would like to use Matcher from Spacy on a list of span (sents) class Chunker: def __init__(self, nlp, matcher): self.nlp = nlp ...
When I trying to install nltk and download the file punket using nltk.download('punkt'). I am getting the following errors. Have tried many alternativ ...
I've tried replace character which match with specific character or followed by "BT", but my codes failed. This is my codes: the error is: Where ...
I am trying to run the wav2vec2 speech recognition model as shared in https://huggingface.co/docs/transformers/tasks/asr This is the loss and WER dur ...
I want to put [batch_size, 768, text_length] tensor into 6th layer of BERT. How can I give input to 6th layer? Can I take just 6~last layer of ...
I have a file which contains sentences line by line. I need to get 10 words before a particular word (caseinsensitive) but it can be in the previous l ...
I'm trying to use OpenAI for translation of my products descriptions from one language to some other languages (EN, DE, CZ, SK, HU, PL, SI...). The tr ...
I've been attempting to download a dataset downloaded off of PapersWithCode and when I run the download program I get the following error message: us ...
I am using a GPT2 model that outputs logits (before softmax) in the shape (batch_size, num_input_ids, vocab_size) and I need to compare it with the la ...
I've a dataframe with 3 columns and I'm trying to perform few shot text classification using SetFit model Dataframe (df) The traditional SetFit mo ...