I've installed PostgreSQL 15, and I'm currently working with no other first/third-party addons or tools. Here you have a simple example of what I'm t ...
I've installed PostgreSQL 15, and I'm currently working with no other first/third-party addons or tools. Here you have a simple example of what I'm t ...
I am currently migrating a PostgreSQL procedure to work in Redshift Spectrum Serverless. I was able to have a working procedure that works as intended ...
I have been trying to create a script to start my postgresSQL flexible server on weekdays and stop it on Saturday and Sunday for cost optimization. R ...
I have 2 different databases where I need to copy the data between one database to another. I'm using the following code: The problem is that I'm c ...
I am using ST_Intersects to check if two polygons intersect. Relevant part of my query is: It works well to determine if one polygon crosses the ot ...
. Answers to this question are eligible for a +500 reputation bounty ...
Using this entity: When trying to insert a duplicate (based on the combination of case and csgItem, mikroORM allows me to do this. How can I make t ...
Installation of Apache-Age I'm trying to install Apache Age on my Ubuntu 20.04 server following the official documentation, but I'm facing an issue. ...
. Answers to this question are eligible for a +500 reputation bounty ...
In the following function, postgresql doesn't returned the results. In my opinion i can't access to the value of the properties. I defined the edges l ...
I am trying to migrate Strapi v3 with MongoDB to Strapi v4 with Postgres. I am following the official documentation https://docs.strapi.io/dev-docs/mi ...
Want to access the config passed in the data in the API call Want to access seller_id in the sqlquery in PostgresOperator The above task returns ...
I have three database tables: product product_manufacturer product_manufacturer_warranties. The product table has a one-to-one mapping with ...
I'm attempting to create a clear linear status for a project. I've been able to take the historical project date details and clear out any unnecessary ...
I am using github actions to run my liquibase deployments. I have variables that I want to substitute into my liquibase script during deployment the l ...
I have a table in Postgres DB, that has a lot of almost identical rows. For example: 1. 00Zicky_-_San_Pedro_Danilo_Vigorito_Remix 2. 00Zicky_-_San_Pe ...
I have the following orders table: Here's a Fiddle: http://sqlfiddle.com/#!17/71698/3 I would like to get the sum of revenue by product among thos ...
I come from a SQL Server background and our team is migrating to Postgres (version 9.5). We have a number of scripts that perform MERGE statements th ...
I was looking inside the create_vlabel function and noted that to get the graph_name and label_name it is used graph_name = PG_GETARG_NAME(0) and labe ...
I have a query that looks like this. query = db.query(status_cte.c.finding_status_history) the finding_status_history column is of type array when I c ...