Working with postgres 9.4 and using PGAdmin III: I have a schema with a character field that MAY contain "new lines" (NLs), or MAY contain double spac ...
Working with postgres 9.4 and using PGAdmin III: I have a schema with a character field that MAY contain "new lines" (NLs), or MAY contain double spac ...
I am having migration from teradata to greenplum and there is a string concatenation with regex_substr which is not existing at Postgres 9.4 version. ...
i am trying to create dynamic table using function however i am getting error. my code as below. note i have tried with single % also error as bel ...
So I am creating external table in greenplum based on the table i have in postgres. And When I create field I am getting an error "Field type UNSU ...
I am trying to take where query as input in Postgres using python. Can anyone help me? ...
For example: If my current date is 2022-07-21, my query should give me 2022-06-30. I could easily do it in IBM DB2 but struggling in postgresql. ...
"TH09062158" "RAVI" "2022-07-01" "03:54 PM" "12.00" "TH09062158" "RAVI" "2022-07-01" "03:54 PM" "10000" "TH09062158" "RAVI" "2022-07-01" "03:54 PM" ...
Table structure is: Table looks like I need to delete 120 from the tags column - having no key I tried reading many places - there they had key ...
I Created the next Trigger to move the data from a main table to an historical table in case of an update or insert. This Trigger moves all data fr ...
I am trying to configure a backup of the PostgreSQL server using the Azure backup center. I created Vault, a resource group. But when I am trying to ...
I would like to know if Postgresql has implemented a function that runs automatically and returns me if a table is created in the database independent ...
I am using PostgreSQL 9.4 and I have a requirement to have an 'addresses' array which contains closed JSON objects for different types of address (res ...
I've the following table on PostgreSQL: The following query fails, giving the error This is the query: If I remove the last row, the normal i ...
I have a scenario whereby I need to aggregate n number of discounts to get a total discount. Each discount must be applied net of the previous discoun ...
I have a json column in postgresql, with a structure like so: json_col: This would be one field in one row. I don't know the names of the keys. Wh ...
out of shared memory HINT: You might need to increase max_locks_per_transaction. We are passing input as comma separated tables table_names and trying ...
I am trying to get the max salary from the department column but I also want to know the person in that certain department. what can I do here? crea ...
I want to implement a function and a trigger (without parameters) that allow making changes in a table B as long as they are made in table D. What I m ...
Each user will use this data at least 15 times when they are logged in. So READ is more important. So i have two approaches, i know this is a rookie ...
I was wondering if it is possible to sum values used in coalesce even though some of them are null. Currently, if any value from coalesce returns null ...