I have the following string and object, How to using regex ? My regex , ...
I have the following string and object, How to using regex ? My regex , ...
For example, the source string is "appleappleapplebanana" and pattern I want to delete "appleapple". I want it to delete all "appleapple" even if the ...
I've been trying to find in Microsoft documentation (learn.microsoft.com) format specifications for the ClientID, the ClientSecret and the TenantID in ...
I have this regex currently It should result in the captured group from these strings: It should get me the name and the version separately like ...
I would like read bit inside square bracket and also want the square bracket. The tricky part is class4. sample1[1] is not a bit. Bit only at the end ...
I want to use REGEXP_REPLACE with this pattern. but I don't know how to add square bracket in square bracket. I try to put escape character but i did ...
I want to replace strings like url: `= this.url` with url: $url$ I got quite close with this: with output url: $ url$. But when I remove extra sp ...
How to use regexp_instr in Teradata such that start position of the search start at the end? Unlike INSTR its not taking -1 as position argument?I was ...
I am working with a field called codes that is a delimited list of values, separated by commas. Within each item there is a title ending in a colon an ...
I have a url like I basically need to match everything between // and : . So in this case I need some-url.com. I am trying this regular expression ...
I am trying to split a string into multiple strings (like observations). For example, a sample text with 3 "bidder id" observations is: The ultima ...
I learned how to predict ages of people by the photo. In this situation, the age was the first filename number, and they used regular expression, like ...
so I need to use regex to match a part of a hexadecimal string, but that part is random. Let me try to explain more: So I have this hexa data: I n ...
I am working through a huge list of package names for customers which need to be parsed to find out price information. Sample package names are as fol ...
I'm new to Python and am getting confused. I have a list of email strings and want to get the string after some specific text and before some text. So ...
I have set of data from laboratory where data column looks like this: I only want the first value (the day of sampling) so I can convert it into pa ...
I have a program I am writing for an internal employee that takes a CSV file and searches a file server for the files listed in the CSV then copys eac ...
I have a use case where and I would like to obtain "test - hello 1...124. I am aware that I can use "gsub("[\r\n]", "", x)" for this specific case. ...
I am using preg_replace or str_replace in PHP to replace all the domain name including www My expectation: ...
for example I have a following line in some file in my project: and the following line in another file: How can I use VSCode search to find both ...