If I do the following: The output is: However, I would prefer it look similar to the way Numpy outputs the result of the same problem (EDIT: pre ...
If I do the following: The output is: However, I would prefer it look similar to the way Numpy outputs the result of the same problem (EDIT: pre ...
Consider the following C++ code: #include <fenv.h> #include <iostream> using namespace std; int main(){ fesetround(FE_TONEAREST); ...
I want to round some numbers inside of a list by using f-string, but it returns This is my code ...
I have a program that save amount that is inserted by user here is the function to save the amount inserted by user Then when I insert the amount ...
I am trying to round in scientific notation but considering the correct rule which is: A) for all decimal numbers finishing by 0, 1, 2, 3, 4 the round ...
I build sp expressions (import sympy as sp) by multiplying / dividing others. Sometimes I find results like (expr1) while the correct expression is ...
I'd like to take some numbers that are in a string in python, round them to 2 decimal spots in place and return them. So for example if there is: I ...
I am trying to make a histogram with inputting a value and rounding it. The rounded value should print out the number of asterisks. I did the followi ...
I am trying to get a round value after division between two values.For example, for inputs dividend=10 and divisor =3 , my expected output is 3 but it ...
I need a Python3 function that rounds down a datetime.datetime object to the nearest 5 minutes. Yes, this has been discussed in previous SO posts here ...
I'm running the following calculation and for some reason, an extra decimal is added to the result: decimal bal = 10.0000 decimal totAmount = 15.0000 ...
I have a weather app that tells the temperature in Celsius and Fahrenheit at the same time. I'd like to use WeatherKit, but I'm having trouble roundin ...
I have the need to round a number for pricing sort of strangely as follows: the value of an incoming price will be 3 decimal places (ie. 10.333) It ...
I want to measure the RTT time in milliseconds and as accurately as possible. The output in this code is a number like "1.34564". Is this code corre ...
I am try to use number formatter in java to formart intiger in to compact number fomart like 1000 to 1k but it give error My code How to fix the er ...
Example : SELECT SUM(transf2.amt) as b1 I tried Format(SUM(transf2.amt),3) also Round doesn't work. ...
I tried round, ceil and floor, but they do not seem to do what I want (or I dont see the wood for the trees :-)) This is what I want: I did not fi ...
there is a list of voltage that I need to find the closest number voltage_map= [11.65,11.75,11.85,11.95] I want to match to the closest and lowest n ...
One of my column was havng value 0.0000000 it seems and it turns 0E-8 when am extracting data.ow to handle this.I have tried below commands in hive. ...
i want to show a price as a whole number if the number after decimal is 0 but if the price has any specific number after the decimal then it should di ...