I have a table containing the image id and score. Table A positive sample is the image id with the score closer to 1 and a negative sample is the im ...
I have a table containing the image id and score. Table A positive sample is the image id with the score closer to 1 and a negative sample is the im ...
This question was migrated from Stack Overflow because it can be answered on C ...
I have a dataset named by "Tree_all_exclusive" of 7607 rows and 39 column, which contains different information of tress such as age, height, name etc ...
Let's say I have a dataframe like this. Now, what I am trying is to do a sampling given the frequency of each value in the column. For example, if ...
I am trying to create a function in Rust which will sample from M normal distributions N times. I have the sequential version below, which runs fine. ...
I'm wondering how to use replication weights and the confint implementation of the survey package to construct bootstrap confidence intervals/standard ...
I'm slightly confused by the as.svrepdesign function's use of the fpc from a design object. The example from the documentation shows the following: ...
I have a DotNet 6 application ASP.NET Web API application that is running as a App Service in Azure. I do not have fixed sampling enabled. I also do ...
My data is made of about 9000 observations and 20 features (Edit - Pandas dataframe). I've taken a sample of 200 observations like this and conducted ...
I have a table with id and score. I want to create a new set of data with a sampling method. The sampling method would be to order the id in decreasin ...
I am wondering if it is possible to do a weighted sample on a population where the sample can not contain certain people but I would still like to con ...
I have pandas data frame that is panel data i.e. data of multiple customers over a timeframe. I want to sample (for bootstraping) a continuous three m ...
I have a dataframe of cell barcodes (V1) and cell types (V2), I want to randomly sample 1000 of each cell type, unless there are less than 1000 total ...
Code above is the one I use to generate a bivariate normal distribution vectors and code below is the code to run regression over the generated data ...
As in the title, I am wondering whether the pre-defined sampling rates of sensors could change when I updated the android version on my device from AP ...
In R it is quite trivial to "collapse" an n-dimensional array into a one-dimensional column vector and sample from that using e.g. sample() function i ...
i've just written web app in ASP.NET that sends lots of logs to Application Insight. I want to set adaptive sampling on requests that are send to my a ...
I have a density distribution function from data, which means that I cannot express its analytical form. If I want to generate 1000 samples by this di ...
I need to sample n different values taken from a set of integers. These integers should have different occurence probability. E.g. the largest the lu ...
I have an image dataset that is quite imbalanced, with one class having 2873 images and another having only 115. The rest of the classes have ~250 ima ...