I'm new to Rust and have created REST API in Rust using Warp. I created a dummy grocery list API by following the tutorial from LogRocket Blog which u ...
I'm new to Rust and have created REST API in Rust using Warp. I created a dummy grocery list API by following the tutorial from LogRocket Blog which u ...
let's say I have a table with a lot of columns and I want to call same function on every of them (for example MAX). Is it possible without listing all ...
The following code is in SQL Server, I want to know how to refactor it so if EDA.GROUP_CARGO='' (If this field is empty, it means if it isn't A neithe ...
So I have a table with a unique key for every spatial area, and another unique key for every time that was measured, as well as the variable in Questi ...
I have a query that is getting a list of dates. I need each value to be within a particular month. My Completed field is a DATETIME data type, so I am ...
How would I order the results of a SQL Server query against registered servers? I tried: ...but the deprecatedCount column remains unsorted. (I d ...
I have the following table: [Sheet1$]: Group Division Name 555 2 Adam 55 ...
SQL Management Studio 18 I have a table with multiple columns, columns I need are Value, Date Opened, Date Closed. I need to count cases by calendar ...
This example is modified and simplified, but resembles a real problem I have with legacy code that I am trying to fix. I have a MSSQL CAR table (wher ...
Does anyone know if there's an efficient way to extract all the words from a single column and count the frequency of each word in SQL Server? I only ...
I want to find the average of item price bought within the last 365 days. Items are not guaranteed to be bought every day, so I can't fix the number o ...
Through the following query, I am able to get the total for the current month from a data table. Since I am working inside a stored procedure, I ha ...
I have a table Products: For purchased two different things with a total value of 3000 or more, they give a third as a gift. I need a SQL query to ...
I am trying to convert this query to using dynamic columns (from another table). In this example I want to replace the 2 areas where I have type='comm ...
Similar to this question, but I require this in Microsoft SQL Server. I'm looking to update values in my database, but only the most recently added v ...
I would like to query and get for all the records with the same datetime ,filter by Type , Provider and Operator. If I run select distinct EventStamp ...
I have a Procedure that sorts data according to provided sorting field and sorting direction. I had to add new sorting order for a field that is a com ...
I'm looking to calculate the number of days that overlap between to (DateTime) spans of time. Logic behind the question is: A prisoner is serving a s ...
This question was migrated from Stack Overflow because it can be answered on D ...
I'm trying to write queries that can loop new columns to selected number, such as 100 or 200 new columns, which use data from the previously created c ...