Here is i confused to declare icon button in the parameter buildRow cause it carry String but when i change to Widget it will appear the error at Te ...
Here is i confused to declare icon button in the parameter buildRow cause it carry String but when i change to Widget it will appear the error at Te ...
So, I wanted to make a nested Table Row in Flutter basically something like this I have made a function for seperate Table Rows so, that I can give ...
I have on table row. In table row I have checkbox and many other information. Now, I am supposed to open another page while click on row. But need to ...
data_shifted_down Im creating an android project(java) that pulls data from server and places that data into a table so I have to create a table prog ...
I need to manage a specific time slot as shown in the picture. I need that when I click on a specific TextView, it opens a new fragment sending me ...
I have created a method to automatically create a weekly table, which has a row for each hour, from 7 to 22. The size of the hourly squares is too big ...
i wonder why my text sometimes looks squash, here is a photo of why it looks like this especially the status : unassigned, the data are all fetch fr ...
I am working on a Apachebeam pipeline project to read data from the .TSV file in the GCS bucket,convert the data to BigQuery row and write it to table ...
I want to skip some coulmns in table ? This is my table I want the last row start from below the cost like in the below picture. Anyone Please Help ...
I have a TableView where every row has a ContextMenu like in the image below. When I click on the first MenuItem called ("Contrassegna riga come an ...
How to Handle Onchange set e.value to 'prodId' only. I want to set onChange for property 'prodId' of the array of object using Select element of 'rea ...
Given the following code, I would like to remove the colours and add a third column including *, **, *** to show the grouping of, for example, 2,4 and ...
How can i Multiply array object inside 'AddNewRow' function so i can create new rows based on quantity, if user insert '3' in quantity column and clic ...
I haven't had this issue before and it's throwing me. I have a table row with a logo and social media icons. It's rendering fine on almost everything ...
I am displaying data in a table view approach but using TableLayout which inherits from LinearLayout are too heavy and I am getting frame skipped as I ...
I have table which is overlapping my positioned fixed bottom 0 footer when printing. How to fix it so that the rows being overlapped by the footer wil ...
I would like to change the default hover color of a MUI TableRow by adding styles to the TableRow. This question has been asked before, but the solut ...
Problem: I have two TableLayouts that have delete row buttons in each TableRow. When the deleteTableRows() method is called, it has no issue deleting ...
After I highlight and delete the last row of the table, I can't move up. It seems to just go back and forth until I delete another row. After the firs ...
I want to fit cells to TableRow, as I did it in the xml. like setting weight = 1. tried many solutions on the github, but don't know why non of them w ...