I would like to construct a type from this object: const isSynchronized: Record<SynchronizableField, boolean> = { /* synchronized */ su ...
I would like to construct a type from this object: const isSynchronized: Record<SynchronizableField, boolean> = { /* synchronized */ su ...
How can I type hint a dictionary where the key is a specific tuple and the value is known? For example I want to type hint a dict like this: The u ...
What is the difference between the metaclass Type and the metaclass Class in Java? When should I be using one or the other when programming with refle ...
I have a bunch of typescript types which use a shared Inaccessible interface in place of objects that the user doesn't have access to. However, often ...
I have a decorator whose return type is the same as the wrapped function return type. Here is a simple example. The code works as it stands, however, ...
I am trying to read a large GeoTIFF file (18000×18000×40) of unsigned byte data format in R by raster package. I hope to read it as raw datatype (unsi ...
This works, but I'm sure there's a nicer way of doing this, I'm using zod for schema validation on values i have zero control over from the user. I ...
I want to create a empty pandas dataframe, dictdata = {"intfield": pd.Series(dtype='int16'), "floatfield": pd.Series(dtype='float32'), ...
The code below defines a function stringsToDates that will take a primitive, object, or Promise and recursively convert any ISO8601 date strings that ...
the following code: import logging print(type(1)) print(type(logging.WARNING)) prints: yet, according to mypy, the first line of this code snip ...
Today I'm working on a new project with NestJS, I'm pretty new to NestJS and in particular to Prisma. I followed this tutorial on the prisma documenta ...
Consider a fixture like @pytest.fixture def mock_database(monkeypatch: MonkeyPatch) -> None: ... And it's use in a test def test_with_mock_ ...
I have the following model: Is there some way, at the type level, I can enforce that the request/response pair match together? So if SayHelloReques ...
In Scala 2, you can of course use use wildcard or existential types as type arguments. However, this means that you do not always have a name for a ty ...
Got this code right here to print out the name of an opened file (its a height map in case you were wondering) and every time I try to print out I get ...
i'm doing a project i want to do it this way, but i couldn't write the i value in the places where it should be written i'm doing a project i tr ...
I have a function whose only logic is to execute a function that is passed in. I know that whatever the response of the function that is passed in ...
Does Lua store its default types somewhere and can they be accessed? Either through Lua directly or via C API? I know about the function type(), but i ...
Is there a convenient way to check if a string value is a type? It's possible to have a list of built-in types to compare against, but that wouldn't ...
Take a look at this: What is that { type X } doing as part of a type parameter?? What is going on here? ...