I create a program to start and stop a stepper motor by using same button in gui Python 3. The motor is start but unable to stop. I am using Raspberry ...
I create a program to start and stop a stepper motor by using same button in gui Python 3. The motor is start but unable to stop. I am using Raspberry ...
my question is simple how to add check icon inside the selected ToggleButton? stack flow wont let me to post it i just dont have other explained pleas ...
I have a WPF application with a view containing a data grid and a view model with an observable collection that is initialized by calling an asynchron ...
I'm using Android Studio Giraffe. Currently I'm using new UI-Theme (beta) for my IDE. But I'm unable to find emulators or connected devices. ...
This is a Python program that creates a GUI with Tkinter and generates a QR code that contains contact information. In the function "generate_qr_code" ...
So basically I have a div and I need to apply 1 of 3 possible colors based on the value, from 0 to 29 the color is red, from 30 to 69 the color is yel ...
For context, this is just a website that displays a thumbnail gallery linking to larger photos/videos. When the thumbnails of photos are opened there ...
I have designed the following in figma. I have created a 500px x 500px window and a widget. I want to place the "in motion" text 160px from the left a ...
I have a project which uses getx state management and in the register section When a user clicks the register button I want to show a loading bar on t ...
that may be an easy Question for many, however i still struggle with acessing Items that i created in QT Designer. I created a simple GUI that shows ...
I'm trying to add in a helper text in Kivy Md which pops up if an invalid password is entered. However the helper text that I use is quite long and th ...
I'm trying to make a toolbar system in my game but I can’t find a ways to detect a mouse click on a UI element only or to detect if it's over it, the ...
I'm new to using GUI in java; I'm trying to change the Image Icon for my Project but I don't know why it's not working. I'm using IntelliJ for this, I ...
I have this problem. I was trying to build a spreasheet that, on open, would prompt a UI that allows the user to select between 3 custom buttons. A re ...
Consider the following output: In the output, you can notice weird corners in the username input (extra white-colored edges.) But they do not appea ...
ISSUE: On a touch panel with no keyboard, my QT C++/QML app running on Windows 10 IOT has the fullscreen GUI "frozen", when the monitor turns on (afte ...
I'm working on a Unity game and I want to add chromatic aberration to the interface but have no idea how to do it and can't find anything similar on t ...
I'm working on my game and I want to add an inventory type system, when I added the panel it was a little transparent while the one in the video was w ...
I would like to replicate this picker in swiftUI. In particular, I have a button on the bottom left of the screen and when I click it I would like to ...
I'm using "sg.Multiline" to display some text. I want to change to bigger text font on the fly by updating the text font like this : window['result']. ...