In the form extension I want to check two email fields for equality. But there seems to be no validator to check two fields for equality: https://docs ...
In the form extension I want to check two email fields for equality. But there seems to be no validator to check two fields for equality: https://docs ...
I try to create my first project but still facing many problems with Angular. Currently I am busy with register form using Form Builder. Firstly I pa ...
I have a calculator and I want it to not start calculation until the expression seems to be correct. Seems to be correct means that it should not cont ...
I want the user to select a number 1-7 and then check if that this is true, if not then they input a number again. I am able to check this but if a w ...
I am developing a Nestjs project. Here I am fetching the data from another rest API. I fetch the data from the API and store it in my database. Howeve ...
I am trying to remove tags from a textarea. I open a html page in a textarea successfully using curl from json data. I removed html tags with php fun ...
I've defined a method where I'm simply checking where a job exists with a specific name and status, in case if job exists I want to send a conflict re ...
I have a macro that adds validations on a change event. In name manager, I had a table that was "Table1" that I changed to "tblBrand". This line of co ...
I'm currently working on a google sheets file to organize the members of my class. I am currently assigning committees and I want them to choose their ...
How to perform a data annotation validation for the input as IAsyncEnumerable in ASP.NET Core 7 API controller POST action. I tried to use the followi ...
Updating form but email should be unique, request('contacts.*.id') is empty. It should have ID of that row. How can i get that ID? ...
I'd like to ask on if there are anyway on how to compare in a conditional statement the two variable. As you can see, couponSalePriceCtrlr and couponO ...
I am following the example given here: ...
I'm developing a website using php 7.4, symfony 5.4 and twig. This website is deployed on several servers. On one of the servers (RedHat), a form cann ...
I have a fastify server with a post endpoint. It accepts a JSON request body with a validation. Server code below: Below is a valid request body. ...
I am trying to validate the list which is passed as a parameter to a controller in spring-boot application. I referred Baeldung doc to perform the sam ...
I have a custom validator that checks validations against the given Object and builds the ConstraintValidatorContext, and if anything is violated then ...
I am using flask, html, css and javascript. So what I did was enter a error message in my login form as a new and set display: none. I validate the in ...
Here Is My Schema const mongoose = require("mongoose"); const userSchema = new mongoose.Schema({ name: { type: String, required: "this field is req ...
I work on a booking application, where each Home can have several Phone. I would like to limit the number of Phone by Home to 3, and display a nice er ...