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[英]What does mean java source/binary format?

What does mean source/binary format in java? java中的源/二进制格式是什么意思? what is it? 它是什么?

This property appears in netbeans project's properties/source category. 此属性显示在netbeans项目的属性/源类别中。

Means if you're working with a project that must be compatible with JDK 7, 6, 5 ... so that the IDE can recognize unsupported features in your code. 表示您正在使用必须与JDK 7,6,5 ...兼容的项目,以便IDE可以识别代码中不支持的功能。

The IDE would compile with the appropiate -source and -target options. IDE将使用适当的-source-target选项进行编译。

我不使用NetBeans,但我猜它代表Java编译器版本设置 - 某些版本激活语言功能(例如1.5激活泛型)并降低向后兼容性。

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