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[英]Wchar_t to string Conversion

I want to convert the strFileNotifyInfo[1].FileName (Wchar_t) to a string so that i can see the filepath. 我想将strFileNotifyInfo [1] .FileNameWchar_t )转换为字符串,以便可以看到文件路径。 but i can't make it work. 但我不能使它工作。

Here is my code: 这是我的代码:

    if( ReadDirectoryChangesW( hDir, (LPVOID)&strFileNotifyInfo, sizeof(strFileNotifyInfo), FALSE, FILE_NOTIFY_CHANGE_LAST_WRITE || FILE_NOTIFY_CHANGE_CREATION, &dwBytesReturned, NULL, NULL) == 0)
        cout << "Reading Directory Change" << endl;

        cout << ("File Modified: ") << strFileNotifyInfo[1].FileName << endl;
        cout << ("Loop: ") << nCounter++ << endl;


std::wcout << L"File Modified: " << strFileNotifyInfo[1].FileName << std::endl;

You should also keep in mind that FileName is not null-terminated . 您还应该记住FileName不能为null终止

WCHAR* filename_w = strFileNotifyInfo[1].FileName;
DWORD filename_len = strFileNotifyInfo[1].FileNameLength;
std::string filename(filename_w, filename_w + filename_len);
std::cout << "File Modified: " << filename << std::endl;

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