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[英]cakephp: access a variable in same controller but different function

i wish to access a variable in cakephp which is global in scope - that is it is in same controller but different function. 我希望在cakephp中访问一个全局范围内的变量 - 也就是说它在同一个控制器中但功能不同。 code: 码:

homeController.php homeController.php

    public function opauth_complete() {
    //global $facebook_data;
    $this->facebook_data = $this->data;
     debug($this->facebook_data); // returns data
    $this->redirect(array('controller' => 'home', 
                          'action' => 'user_home'));
public function user_home()
   // i wish to use $facebook_data here.
debug($this->facebook_data); // returns null


how do i implement this without using session? 如何在不使用会话的情况下实现此目的?

you can store it in session 你可以将它存储在会话中

class HomeController extends Controller {        

    public function opauth_complete() {
      //assign the value
      $this->Session->write("facebook_data", $this->data);
     debug($this->facebook_data); // returns data
      $this->redirect(array('controller' => 'home', 
                          'action' => 'user_home'));
    public function user_home() {
       //read from session
    debug($this->Session->read("facebook_data")); // returns data
App::uses('AppController', 'Controller');

class UsersController extends AppController {

   private $FbData = array();

   public function opauth_complete() {
      $this->FbData = $this->data;

   public function user_home(){


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