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[英]Changing associativity schema in a grammar

I'm trying to use SableCC to generate a Parser for models, which I call LAM. 我正在尝试使用SableCC为模型生成一个解析器,我称之为LAM。 LAM in itself are simple, and a simple grammar (where I omit a lot of things) for these is: LAM本身很简单,并且这些的简单语法(我省略了很多东西)是:

L :=   0   |   (x,y)   | F(x1,...,xn)  |    L || L    |    L ; L

I wrote this grammar: 我写了这个语法:

    number   = ['0' .. '9'] ;
    letter   = ['a' .. 'z'] ;
    uletter  = ['A' .. 'Z'] ;

    zero     = '0' ;
    comma    = ',' ;
    parallel = '||' ;
    point    = ';' ;
    lpar    = '(' ;
    rpar    = ')' ;

    identifier = letter+ number* ;
    uidentifier = uletter+ number* ;

    expr = {term} term |
           {parallel} expr parallel term |
           {point} expr point term;

    term = {parenthesis} lpar expr rpar |
           {zero} zero |
           {invk} uidentifier lpar paramlist rpar |
           {pair} lpar [left]:identifier comma [right]:identifier rpar ;

    paramlist  = {list} list | 
                 {empty} ;

    list  = {var} identifier |
            {com} identifier comma list ;

This basically works, but there is a side effect: it is left associative. 这基本上是可行的,但有一个副作用:它是关联的。 For example, if I have 例如,如果我有

L = L1 || L2 ; L3 || L4

Then it is parsed like: 然后将其解析为:

L = ((L1 || L2) ; L3) || L4

I want to give all precedence to the ";" 我要优先考虑“;” operator, and so have L parsed like 运算符,因此将L解析为

L = (L1 || L2) ; (L3 || L4)

(other things, like "||", could remains left-associative) (其他事物,例如“ ||”,可能仍保持左联想)

My questions are: 我的问题是:

  1. There are tips to do such conversions in a "automated" way? 有技巧以“自动”方式进行此类转换吗?
  2. How could be a grammar with all the precedence on the ";" 在“;”上具有所有优先级的语法怎么可能 ?

It is accepted also "RTFM link" :-D Thank you all 也被认为是“ RTFM链接” :-D谢谢大家

You need to create a hierarchy of rules that matches the desired operator precedence. 您需要创建与所需的运算符优先级匹配的规则层次结构。

expr = {subexp} subexp |
       {parallel} subexp parallel expr ;

subexp = {term} term |
         {point} term point subexp;

Note that I also changed the associativity. 请注意,我还更改了关联性。

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