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[英]Magento Customer Activation module hack customer group

I installed a free extension that requires admin approval before a customer can log in. I am hacking it to try to get it to allow all customer groups except for one. 我安装了一个免费的扩展程序,该扩展程序需要获得管理员的批准,然后客户才能登录。我正在破解它,以尝试使它允许除一个客户群之外的所有客户群。 I think the following is the function that I would edit, but when I do a test registration the test cookie does not show up in my console. 我认为以下是我要编辑的功能,但是当我进行测试注册时,测试cookie不会显示在控制台中。 Any ideas? 有任何想法吗?

     * Flag new accounts as such
     * @param Varien_Event_Observer $observer
    public function customerSaveBefore($observer)
        $customer = $observer->getEvent()->getCustomer();

        $storeId = Mage::helper('customeractivation')->getCustomerStoreId($customer);
        $session = Mage::getSingleton('customer/session'); // var $session Mage_Customer_Model_Session
$customer_info = $session->getCustomer(); // var $customer Mage_Customer_Model_Customer
$userinfo = $customer_info->_origData; // fetch users info

// get user's customer group id number
$customer_group = $userinfo['group_id']; 
setcookie("Group", "yes");

        if (Mage::getStoreConfig(self::XML_PATH_MODULE_DISABLED, $storeId))

        if (!$customer->getId())
            $defaultStatus = Mage::getStoreConfig(self::XML_PATH_DEFAULT_STATUS, $storeId);

My code is the: 我的代码是:

$customer_info = $session->getCustomer(); // var $customer Mage_Customer_Model_Customer
$userinfo = $customer_info->_origData; // fetch users info

// get user's customer group id number
$customer_group = $userinfo['group_id']; 
setcookie("Group", "yes");

First: Please don't try to hack the module. 第一:请不要尝试破解该模块。 Better create your own module rewriting the classes of the original module, so you'll still be able to update the original one. 更好地创建自己的模块来重写原始模块的类,这样您仍然可以更新原始模块。

Second: Are you sure that part of code is executed? 第二:您确定部分代码已执行? What happens if you enter a die() in it? 如果在其中输入die()会发生什么?

Third: You can see a list of all triggered event by implementing the firegento-debug module, so you could check if that event is really fired and the observer called. 第三:通过实现firegento-debug模块,您可以看到所有触发事件的列表,因此您可以检查该事件是否真正触发,并调用观察者。

Hi i was customizing the same extension. 嗨,我正在自定义相同的扩展名。

The thing is your are not getting the customer group. 问题是您没有得到客户群。

try this line for getting the customer group 尝试使用此行获取客户群

$customer = $observer->getEvent()->getCustomer(); $ customer = $ observer-> getEvent()-> getCustomer();

$groupId = $customer->getGroupId(); $ groupId = $ customer-> getGroupId();

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