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寻找将Ruby 1.8.7 Web应用程序迁移到Ruby 1.9.3的步骤

[英]Looking For Steps In Migrating Ruby 1.8.7 Web Application To Ruby 1.9.3

I am having an big old ruby on rails application 我在Rails应用程序上有一个很大的老红宝石

ruby version -  1.8.7 (2011-06-30 patchlevel 352)

rails version - 2.3.16

currently there is no plan in migrating rails version 目前尚无迁移Rails版本的计划

As far as i know the performance of ruby 1.9.x is 2 times faster than 1.8.7 据我所知,ruby 1.9.x的性能比1.8.7快2倍

Questions: 问题:

1) I would like to know whether rails 2.3.16 is fully compatible with ruby 1.9.3-p385 ? 1)我想知道rails 2.3.16是否与ruby 1.9.3-p385完全兼容?

2) I am looking for basic generic steps in only migrating ruby 1.8.7 to ruby 1.9.3 without upgrading rails 2.3.x to rails 3.xx 2)我正在寻找仅将ruby 1.8.7迁移到ruby 1.9.3而不将rails 2.3.x升级到rails 3.xx的基本通用步骤。

3) And i would like to know the migration complexity level and issues? 3)我想知道迁移的复杂程度和问题吗?

Note: 注意:

I am looking for answers, suggestions, comments and reviews from those who really involved in ruby app migration from 1.8.7 to 1.9.3 by sticking with rails 2.3.x 我正在通过坚持使用Rails 2.3.x寻找真正参与将Ruby应用程序从1.8.7迁移到1.9.3的人员的答案,建议,评论和评论。

I found this migration guide, maybe it'll give you answers. 我找到了此迁移指南,也许它将为您提供答案。 http://developer.uservoice.com/blog/2012/03/04/how-to-upgrade-a-rails-2-3-app-to-ruby-1-9-3/ http://developer.uservoice.com/blog/2012/03/04/how-to-upgrade-a-rails-2-3-app-to-ruby-1-9-3/

From what I read, it can be quite a pain in the ass, since rails 2.3 does not support ruby 1.9. 根据我的阅读,由于rails 2.3不支持ruby 1.9,在屁股上可能会很痛苦。

If you can do it, I'd suggest migrating your rails anyway, at least 3.0 (before the asset pipeline) : it will still be a pain in the ass (as with any big migrations), but there are tools like rails_upgrade meant to facilitate this process. 如果可以的话,我建议无论如何都至少迁移3.0的rails(在资产管道之前):仍然会很痛苦(与任何大型迁移一样),但是有一些类似rails_upgrade的工具旨在促进这一过程。


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