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[英]Javascript and HTML - Variable Doesn't Show Up

I have the following code snippet in HTML: 我在HTML中有以下代码片段:

 <form class="navbar-search pull-right search-query" value = "" action="/search/?q=" style="line-height:25px;">
    <input type="text" id="navbarsearch" class="search-query span2" style="border-radius:14px 14px 14px 14px;" name = "q" placeholder="Search">
      <i class="icon-search icon-white" onclick="document.forms.search.submit();"></i>

I'm trying to pass this variable to Javascript as follows, but the query variable is not being passed properly for some reason I don't think.... 我正尝试按以下方式将此变量传递给Javascript,但由于某些我不认为的原因,查询变量未正确传递。

<script type="text/javascript">
    $("#navbarsearch").click(function() {
        // This sends us an event every time a user clicks the button
        mixpanel.track('SearchQuery', {'query': document.getElementById('navbarsearch').value, 'url' : window.location.pathname});

The action is showing up in MixPanel, but the query variable is not. 该操作显示在MixPanel中,但查询变量未显示。 Am I doing something wrong? 难道我做错了什么?

You need to put it inside the document.ready: 您需要将其放在document.ready中:

$(function() {   //  <--- there.
    $("#navbarsearch").click(function() {
            'query': $(this).val(),   
            'url' : window.location.pathname

The click event is set off when a user clicks with their mouse. 当用户用鼠标单击时,单击事件被关闭。 I think you want to listen to keystrokes? 我想您想听击键吗?

Try: 尝试:

$("#navbarsearch").keydown(function() {
    mixpanel.track('SearchQuery', {
         'query': document.getElementById('navbarsearch').value,
         'url' : window.location.pathname

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