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[英]Zend framework 2 accessing global config in model class

I have a model class which does not extend any core Zend module . 我有一个模型类,它不扩展任何核心Zend模块。 This model was imported from my previous Zend framework 1 application . 此模型是从我之前的Zend框架1应用程序导入的。 I am able to call its methods by converting it to namespace . 我可以通过将其转换为命名空间来调用它的方法。 The problem what I have is in reading global configuration in side the methods defined . 我所遇到的问题是在定义的方法中读取全局配置。

In case of controller I was able to access global configuration using below code 在控制器的情况下,我能够使用下面的代码访问全局配置

 $config = $this->getServiceLocator()->get('config'); 

// This gives a union of global configuration along with module configuration .

But what should we do to access configuration in side a model class . 但是我们应该如何在模型类中访问配置呢。 Below is how my model class is 以下是我的模型类的方法

namespace test\Http; 

class Request

    protected $client;

    public function abc( $c)
        return $something;



I am new to Zend framework 2 please kindly suggest any method to achieve this . 我是Zend框架2的新手,请提出任何方法来实现这一目标。

In the above description model means ( MVC model class ) which has some business logic in it . 在上面的描述中,模型意味着(MVC模型类),其中包含一些业务逻辑。

Assuming that you build your service (your code looks like a service) you will probably instantiate it in a service factory (in this case I've put it in the module config): 假设您构建服务(您的代码看起来像服务),您可能会在服务工厂中实例化它(在这种情况下,我将它放在模块配置中):

class MyModule
    public function getServiceConfig()
        return array(
            'factories' => array(
                'my_request_object' => function (
                    \Zend\ServiceManager\ServiceLocatorInterface $sl
                ) {
                    $config = $sl->get('config'); 

                    return new \GaGooGl\Http\Request($config);

This way, you are injecting the config object directly in its consumer (without having a reference to the service locator in the consumer) 这样,您直接在其使用者中注入配置对象(没有对使用者中的服务定位器的引用)

Another way is to implement Zend\\ServiceManager\\ServiceLocatorAwareInterface in your GaGooGl\\Http\\Request . 另一种方法是在GaGooGl\\Http\\Request实现Zend\\ServiceManager\\ServiceLocatorAwareInterface I personally discourage it , but this basically allows you to have your Request object keep a reference to the service locator internally, therefore making it possible to retrieve the config service at runtime. 个人不鼓励它 ,但这基本上允许你让你的Request对象在内部保持对服务定位器的引用,因此可以在运行时检索config服务。


$config = new \Zend\Config\Config( include APPLICATION_PATH.'/config/autoload/global.php' ); 

Check this . 检查一下 It has two solutions. 它有两个解决方案。 One is implementing a Service locator aware interface. 一个是实现服务定位器感知接口。 Another is to inject the service manager into your model. 另一种方法是将服务管理器注入您的模型。 For both, you need to instantiate your model object through the service manager. 对于这两者,您需要通过服务管理器实例化模型对象。

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