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[英]How to hide parent div if custom_field is empty

I am not familiar with js or jquery but I need that to finish my "work". 我对js或jquery不熟悉,但是我需要这样做来完成我的“工作”。 I want to hide parent div bubble if value of, let say, custom_field (CC_STAUS) is empty. 如果想让custom_field(CC_STAUS)的值为空,我想隐藏父div 气泡

Below code is only a part of the rest: 下面的代码只是其余部分的一部分:

<div class="bubble">
   <div class="arrow"></div>
     <div class="speach" style="width: 100%;">  CC_STATUS

and css 和CSS

.bubble { 
  margin:5px 0 0 0;
.bubble .speach { 
    font-size: 12px;
    font-family: Segoe UI;
  text-transform: lowercase; 
.bubble .arrow {
  margin:0 0 0 15px;
  border-left: 0px solid transparent;
    border-right: 10px solid transparent;
    border-bottom: 10px solid #333333;
    border-top: 0;

To check the lenght of the CC_STATUS I have tried this code (which I simply adapted) but obviously it does not work. 为了检查CC_STATUS的长度,我尝试了此代码(我只是对其进行了修改),但显然不起作用。 The bubble is always displaied no matter of it content. 不论泡沫内容如何,​​泡沫总是被取代。

$('.bubble').each(function() {
    if($(this).attr('CC_STATUS') === '' || $(this).text() === '') {

See jsfiddle jsfiddle

Thanks in advance for any (working) solution. 在此先感谢您提供任何(有效的)解决方案。

First of all, you forgot to load jquery. 首先,您忘记加载jquery。

Secondly, you didn't get the jquery traversal quite right - you were looking at the contents of the bubble, not the contents of speach. 其次,您没有正确遍历jquery-您正在查看气泡的内容,而不是speach的内容。 You also had an unwanted .parent in there. 您还在那里有一个不需要的.parent。

Here's the solution: 解决方法如下:

$('.bubble').each(function() {
    if($(this).attr('CC_STATUS') === '' || $(this).find('.speach').text() === '') {

http://jsfiddle.net/v2Les/ http://jsfiddle.net/v2Les/

Edit: Except that that $(this).attr bit is completely unnecessary, now that I take a closer look at it. 编辑:除了$(this).attr位完全没有必要,现在我仔细看一下。

CC_STATUS is not an attribute of a bubble class element, so you can't use attr() . CC_STATUS不是冒泡类元素的属性,因此不能使用attr() Is the 'speach' class reliable as a child of .bubble? 作为“气泡”的孩子,“演讲”类是否可靠?

If so, try something like this: 如果是这样,请尝试以下操作:

$('.bubble').each(function() {
    if('.speach', $(this)).text() === '') {

In other words, foreach bubble, find its child classed 'speach' and if empty, hide the bubble. 换句话说,foreach气泡找到其子级为“ speach”,如果为空,则将其隐藏。

Hopefully that gets you on your way. 希望这能帮助您前进。

The only problem I see with the answers so far is whitespace is not empty string. 到目前为止,我在答案中看到的唯一问题是空格不是空字符串。

var re = /\w/;
var s = $(".speach").text();
var result = re.test(s);
console.log(result) // false if non-whitespace characters exist

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