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[英]only first 50 rows are getting copied to clipboard from datagridview in winforms

I have a datagridview myDgv to which data will be filled from database. 我有一个datagridview myDgv,将从数据库向其中填充数据。

I am doing a Ctrl+A (select all) and copying ( Ctrl + C ) when I paste the copied data into excel, only first 50 rows of data is getting copied. 当我将复制的数据粘贴到excel中时,我正在执行Ctrl + A(全选)并复制(Ctrl + C),仅复制了前50行的数据。
Rest of the rows comes blank. 其余行变为空白。

Here is the code in my keydown event 这是我的keydown事件中的代码

If e.Control AndAlso e.KeyCode = Keys.C Then
    Dim d As DataObject = myDgv.GetClipboardContent()
    e.Handled = True
End If

when I scroll down the grid till end (last row) and do Ctrl+C and then paste it in excel, all the rows are getting pasted. 当我向下滚动网格直到结束(最后一行)并执行Ctrl + C然后将其粘贴到excel中时,所有行都将被粘贴。

How do I proceed to solve this issue? 我该如何解决这个问题?

use DataGridView.SelectAll Method to select all rows on using ctrl + A. 使用DataGridView.SelectAll方法使用ctrl + A选择所有行。

and use following event to get key pressed: 并使用以下事件来获取按键:

void dataGridView1_KeyDown(object sender, KeyEventArgs e)
    if (e.Control && e.KeyCode == Keys.C)
        //call to DataGridView.SelectAll Method

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