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如何使用Node.js + HBS + Express将JSON传递给客户端?

[英]How can I pass JSON to client using Node.js + HBS + Express?

Consider, I am sending JSON to client as follows in render page of Express (using hbs as a view engine): 考虑一下,我在Express的渲染页面中将JSON发送到客户端,如下所示(使用hbs作为视图引擎):

res.render('MyPage.html', { layout: false, PageTitle: 'Project Name', JSON_Data: {field1:'value',field2:'value2'}});

I am able to access and set title of html page by using {{PageTitle}} , following is the code. 我可以使用{{PageTitle}}来访问和设置html页面的标题,下面是代码。


Now I want to show JSON_data into alert popup. 现在,我想将JSON_data显示到警报弹出窗口中。

I've tried following way, but getting Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected token { , while debugging in chrome is shows var jsonobj = [object Object] 我已经尝试过以下方法,但是遇到Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected token { ,而在chrome中调试var jsonobj = [object Object]显示var jsonobj = [object Object]

    function fbOnBodyLoad() {
        var jsonobj = {{JSON_data}};

Could any body give some idea on How to access JSON_data and show in alert 任何人都可以对如何访问JSON_data并在警报中显示出一些想法JSON_data

Advance Thanks 提前谢谢

to access the inner elements of the json object, try like this 访问json对象的内部元素,尝试像这样

var jsonobj = "{{JSON_data.field1}}";

may be this might solve the issue. 可能这可以解决问题。

refer 参考

Handlebars.js parse object instead of [Object object] Handlebars.js解析对象,而不是[Object object]

You could always register a Handlebars helper to format the object into a string format (such as by using JSON.stringify), and then use that helper in your view. 您总是可以注册一个Handlebars助手来将对象格式化为字符串格式(例如使用JSON.stringify),然后在视图中使用该助手。 http://handlebarsjs.com/block_helpers.html http://handlebarsjs.com/block_helpers.html

For me it worked by doing in the server: 对我来说,它是通过在服务器中完成工作的:

res.render('pages/register', {
                title: 'Register Form',
                messages: req.flash('error'),

and then I used this countries variables to assign in angular controller like this: 然后我使用这个国家/地区变量在角度控制器中进行如下分配:

angular.module('languagesApp', []).controller('DemoController', function($scope) {

    $scope.algo = {{-countries}};

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